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Методичка английский

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We will help you. – Мы (охотно) поможем вам .

I won't go there. – Я не пойду туда (не хочу идти).

I often write him but he won't answer. – Я часто пишу ему, но он не отвечает (не хочет).

Would в этом значении употребляется в большинстве случаев в придаточных дополнительных предложениях, глагол-сказуемое которых употреблен в прошедшем времени:

I said that we would help you. – Я сказал, что мы (с

готовностью) поможем вам.

2.во втором лице в вопросительных предложениях для выражения вежливой просьбы, приглашения, причем would придает просьбе оттенок особенной вежливости:

Will you have a cup of tea? – Выпейте чашку чая. Won't you sit down? – Садитесь, пожалуйста.

3.в придаточных условных предложениях:

If you will allow me, I will see you home. – Если вы мне позволите,

я провожу вас домой.



В значении модального глагол need имеет только форму настоящего времени. Вопросительная и отрицательная формы образуются без вспомогательного глагола to do и употребляются с инфинитивом основного глагола без частицы to.

You need not trouble about that at all. – Вам совсем не нужно беспокоиться об этом.

You needn’t hurry. – Вам нет необходимости спешить. Need we go there? – Нам нужно идти туда?


В качестве модального, глагол need в сочетании с Indefinite Infinitive выражает необходимость выполнения действия относительно настоящего или будущего времени и употребляется в вопросительных и отрицательных предложениях.

Глагол need в качестве смыслового означает иметь потребность в чем-то. В этом значении он спрягается по общему


правилу и употребляется в настоящем, прошедшем и будущем времени с дополнением, выраженным существительным, местоимением или даже инфинитивом:

I'll need this magazine. – Мне этот журнал будет нужен.

Инфинитив после него употребляется с частицей to, вопросительная и отрицательная формы в Present Indefinite и Past Indefinite образуются при помощи глагола to do:

You don't need to say a lot of nonsense. – He нужно говорить ерунды.

Do you need any money? – Вам нужны деньги?

I don't need any more people around here. – Мне не нужно здесь больше людей.


1. Make the following interrogative and negative.

1.Peter can make a shelf. 2. Ann could go there yesterday. 3. We may occupy this room. 4. The pupils may go home. 5. Children must sleep nine hours a day. 6. We must read English books every day. 7. Her father has to wear spectacles. 8. They have to live in one room. 9. The doctor said I was to go there for six weeks last summer. 10. He was to live in the farmhouse when he got married. 11. You should see his face. 12. The police ought to stop the traffic at once. 13. Whatever happens, he shall be back in England for Christmas. 14. I will run a warm bath for you. 15. You need to learn the text by heart.

2.Answer the following questions.

1.Can you speak German? 2. Can your mother speak English? 3. May I offer you some fruit? 4. May I have a rest? 5. What must you do to know English well? 6. What must a lawyer know? 7. Have I to be at work early in the morning? 8. Why have you to speak to Andrew again? 9. Are pupils allowed to talk during the lesson? 10. Should I go out now, go away until they've come and gone? 11. Should he put his coat on and come round with me to see a friend? 12. Should I meet them at the airport this morning?

13.But we needn't let Clifford know, need we? 14. Do I have to write this word on the blackboard? 15. May they dance in this room?

3.Translate the sentences into Russian. Pay special attention to the meaning and use of the modal verbs.


1. Almost anything can cause an allergy nowadays. 2. I could not take this seriously; it was impossible. 3. You may wonder whether I ever thought of marrying Anna. 4. You might not necessarily agree with my way of looking at it at all. 5. A patient must do what he is told. 6. You must be tired and want to go home. 7. I just don't see why we have to spoil a pleasant evening. 8. Then the day came when I had to go back to school. 9. The furniture was to be delivered on Friday. 10. Tell me what I am to say. 11. Do you think I ought to tell them about it? 12. You shouldn't criticize foreigners in Nancy's presence. 13. You’ll have nothing to eat until you do as I wish. 14.

I cannot and will not have scenes like this in the room where I work. 15. You needn't lose temper. I'm only demanding you to do your duty.

4. Paraphrase the following sentences using the verb in brackets.

1. You have the right to use dictionaries (can). 2. He has the right to receive a passport (can). 3. Perhaps he has bought the dictionary (may). 4. It is possible that they know each other (may). 5. I'm sure you are very tired (must). 6. I'm sure she is an experienced teacher (must). 7. It is necessary for him to get up at half past six (to have to). 8. The driver was obliged to stop the car (to have to). 9. The pupils agreed to go to the forest on Sunday (to be). 10. I advise you to buy this coat (should). 11. I think you must wait for them (ought). 12. Do you want to lock the door? (will) 13. I offer you to water the flowers. (should) 14. I bought a stamp but it was unnecessary (need). 15. The pupils copied the text though it was unnecessary (need).

5. Ask questions as in the model.

Model: Ask your group-mate if he can singCan you sing?

Ask your group-mate:

1. if he could play the piano last year. 2. if his friends can play icehockey. 3. if he may stay away from school. 4. if she may work in the laboratory. 5. if he must air the room twice a day. 6. if he must go in for sport. 7. if his father has to wear spectacles. 8. if he had to work at night. 9. if he is to take part in the competition. 10. if his friends are to return tomorrow. 11. if he should be more attentive. 12. if they ought to listen to the teacher. 13. if he has to buy some bread. 14. if she should do this exercise in written form. 15. if he needs to hurry up.

6. Paraphrase the following sentences referring them to the past.

1. Our problem is that we can't go to a hotel. 2. She cannot hear one of the questions in the noise. 3. The man must sell his house. 4. I have to be at work early in the morning. 5. I have to tell him the truth. 6. We are to leave for Moscow on Monday. 7. You are ordered to come at eight sharp. 8.


They are not allowed to enter that room. 9. Lucy has to see a doctor. 10. The boy has to write with the pencil. 11. The pupils may go home. 12. You may see these documents. 13. I must go there at once. 14. The English nurse is to arrive on Monday morning. 15. How, then are we to find her?

7. Translate the sentences into English.

1. Мы можем закончить эту работу сегодня. 2. Я не мог ответить на второй вопрос. 3. В нашем городе вы можете увидеть дом, который был построен в 17 веке. 4. Может быть, Стив ждет вас возле кинотеатра. 5. Ученики должны выполнять домашние задания. 6. Тебе нельзя есть мороженого. 7. Его отец, наверное, инженер. 8. На экзамене вам нельзя пользоваться словарем. 9. Вам следует делать утреннюю зарядку. 10. Тебе не надо запирать дверь. 11. Не может быть, чтобы он провалился на экзамене по химии. Это его любимый предмет. 12. Я недоволен твоим ответом. Ты должен отвечать лучше. 13. Я смогу сделать это завтра. 14. Не может быть, чтобы он уже приехал. 15. Ей не надо брать ребенка в кино.




Предлог – служебное слово, указывающее на отношение существительного или местоимения к другим словам в предложении. Наряду с порядком слов они являются одним из основных способов выражения падежных отношений в английском языке.

Предлоги в английском языке подразделяются на предлоги

места (place), направления (direction) и времени (time).












on the desk, on the wall


в, на

in the room, in the street


у, в, на

at the window, at the meeting



near the door, near the building



over the table, over the sofa



under the bed, under the tree



between two chairs, between the doors



among the students, among the nations



behind the house, behind the tree


вдоль, через

across the street, across the river

in front of


in front of the column, in front of the house


через, сквозь

through the glass, through the window












к, на, в


to the library, to the South, to the park


в направлении, к

towards the forest, towards the door


от, из


from the table, from the North


в (внутрь)


into the room, into the box

out of

из (изнутри)


out of the drawer, out of the pocket


с (со), от


off the table, off the wall














on Sunday, on the tenth of February


в, через

in two days, in September



at 7 o’clock, at noon



by 3 o’clock, by noon

from … till

от (с) … до

from early morning till late at night



since Monday, since midnight


в течение

for an hour, for ages


во время

during the lecture, during the break


до (перед)

before the bell, before winter



after dinner, after the break

till (until)


till May, till the end of the year



between one and two o’clock

Предлоги of, to, for, by, with, about передают значения русских





И.п. Мой брат – студент.

My brother is a student.

Р.п. столица страны


the capital of the country

Д.п. Передай привет своей сестре.

Give my regards to your sister.

В.п. Я перевёл текст.


I have translated the text.

Т.п. Книга написана американским

The book was written



by an American writer.

Я не люблю писать авторучкой.

I don’t like to write with a




fountain pen.

П.п. Они говорят о новом фильме.

They are talking about the

new film.




После ряда английских глаголов требуется употребление определённых предлогов, которые образуют с ними устойчивые сочетания. Такие сочетания нужно учить наизусть.

to listen to слушать что-либо, кого-либо to look at смотреть на

to look after – присматривать за to wait for ожидать

to depend on зависеть от to take care of заботиться о to ask for - просить о


to agree to smth/ with smb – соглашаться с чем-либо, кем-либо to be rich in быть богатым чем-либо

to be popular with быть популярным среди to be good at хорошо разбираться в

to be interested in интересоваться чем-либо to leave for уезжать в

to be fond of увлекаться чем-то и другие глаголы


1. Read the sentences and translate them into Russian. Pay attention to the prepositions.

1.My sister went to Moscow. The Petrovs will go to the south next week. I have to go to work by bus. 2. They stayed at home in the evening. Tom stayed at the entrance of the theatre. The inspector stayed at the hotel.

3.Helen was born on the 1st of May. The books are on the table. It depends on many factors. 4. Our lessons begin at 6 o’clock in the evening. My uncle is good at swimming. At night all cats are grey. That man works at the postoffice. 5. The child fell on the floor and began crying. Your clothes are in the bathroom. My friends are from Liverpool. 6. Nick told me everything about it. Mother looked through the window. We turned round the corner. 7. Take the coat off, please. Put on your shoes. Switch on the radio. 8. The bus stopped and we got off. That’s our train, get in, please. 9. The couple walked along the street. He travelled about many countries of the world. We passed over the bridge. 10. You can get there by train, by bus, by plane. From time to time I drink coffee. I study English step by step. 11. Would you like to sit in front? 12. The work was divided among four students. We were against the proposal. They left the room one after the other. 13. The winner left his competitors far behind. The temperature is 10 degrees below zero. During the last three months he has made great progress in German.

14.I can’t see my life without her. A thermometer is used for measuring temperature. The aunt went to the Caucasus for two weeks. 15. The children are inside the house. The grandson put the coins into the pocket. The ship sailed towards the south.

2.Complete the sentences. Mind the prepositions after the verbs.

1. My family consists of … . 2. He is capable of … . 3. Russian winter is famous for … . 4. People in all windows were looking out at … . 5. We are proud of … . 6. I’m interested in … 7. It’s rude to laugh at … . 8. This singer is very popular with … . 9. Who is responsible for … ? 10. I’ve


heard a report on … . 11. I feel very sorry for … . 12. What’s the use of … ? 13. Don’t worry about … . 14. What’s wrong with … ? 15. The climate in Great Britain depends on … .

3. Fill in the prepositions by or with.

1.The poem “My heart’s in the Highlands” was written … Robert Burns. 2. The new house will be surrounded … the garden. 3. That book has been written … a group of authors. 4. The sky is covered … clouds. 5. The child is covered … a blanket … his mother. 6. You can get to Rostov either

train or … plane. 7. I can open the door of your house … my key. 8. St. Paul’s Cathedral was built … Sir Christopher Wren. 9. It is comfortable to get to Bristol … ship. 10. The cat was killed … the car. 11. The man was killed … the gun. 12. The flat is heated … the central heating. 13. They went to Sochi … their parents. 14. The picture “Demon” is written … Vrubel. 15. I’m not afraid of travelling … plane.

4.Translate the word combinations into English. Mind the prepositions.

a) рисовать карандашом; сказать Диме; дать деньги друзьям;

написать письмо родителям; писать о погоде; выражение лица; открыть глаза; отрезать ножом; защищать независимость страны; показать перевод учителю; упражнение, выполненное студентами в аудитории; обед, приготовленный мамой для гостей; передать привет всем друзьям; книга нашего преподавателя; взять листок со стола; провести опыт в лаборатории; кушать ложкой.

b) на юг, на юге; в школу, в школе; в университет, в университете; в магазин, в магазине; в 5 часов дня, через 5 часов, около 5 часов утра; 20 минут 9-ого утра, без 20 минут 9-ть вечера, через 9 часов; на трамвае, на самолете, на такси; в театре, около театра, за зданием театра; о писателе, об артисте, о картине; население республики, улицы города, производительность труда, указ президента; в понедельник, в воскресенье, в субботу, на выходных; в марте, в мае, в июне, в июле; первое сентября, первого сентября; восьмое марта, восьмого марта; тридцатое ноября, тридцатого ноября; среди друзей, между друзьями; среди населения, между городами, по радио, по телевидению, в средствах массовой информации; без тебя, без очков, без сладкого, без 5 минут час.


5. Fill the proper prepositions in.

1.I usually wake … at 7 o’clock. 2. It is time for me to get … 3. I put … my dress and go … the kitchen. 4. You see, I’m short of time. So, don’t come … my place tonight. 5. Don’t turn … the radio. I want to listen

the melody. 6. Lily is fond … her new boy-friend. 7. This writer’s books are always popular … the readers. 8. Ann is very good … English. 9. She always helps her friends … grammar. 10. My bus stop is “Ostankino”. Will you tell me where to get …? 11. Yesterday my father-in-law went … Riga. 12. When it is dark we switch … the light. 13. You know that everything depends only … you. 14. I’m crazy … football matches on TV. 15. In Tom’s childhood his friends often laughed … him.

6.Translate the sentences into English. Pay attention to the preposition. Make the sentences of your own with these prepositions.

a) согласно чему-либо – according to что касается – as for / to

из-заbecause of

если бы не – but for

посредством, при помощи – by means of

1. Helen didn’t go there из-за the rain. 2. In Russian ports ships are discharged при помощи crane. 3. Согласно the information received by us, the ship will arrive on the 10-th of May. 4. Если бы не the taxi-driver I should have missed the train. 5. Что касается the journey we shall speak about that later.

b) несмотря на – in spite of/despite

благодаря – thanks to

в случае – in case of

по сравнению с – in comparison with

перед, напротив – in front of

1. The production of cars has greatly increased in Russia по сравнению с 1999. 2. We finished the work in time несмотря нa all difficulties. 3. Благодаря his help the parents got to the village early in the morning. 4. The post-office is just напротив our house. 5. В случае fire ring up 01.

c) вместо – instead of

в дополнение к - in addition to при условии – subject to


от имени – on behalf of ввиду – in view of

1.The director signed the contract от имени the sellers. 2. Give me the red pencil вместо the green one. 3. Our firm makes this offer при условии receiving your money in time. 4. I am sending you this information

вдополнение к my telegram. 5. Ввиду the fact that he was ill I had to do it myself.

7.Translate into English.

1. Моя мать живёт за городом, но зимой она приезжает к нам и обычно остаётся с нами на неделю или две. 2. По пути из университета я должна купить билеты в кино. 3. Я также хочу зайти в магазин и купить что-нибудь на ужин. 4. У нас хорошая двухкомнатная квартира с большой кухней в центре города. 5. Моя квартира находится на втором этаже в новом доме. 6. Университет расположен недалеко от моего дома. 7. Между диваном и книжным шкафом нет места. 8. Среди моих родственников нет врачей. 9. Дедушка сидит в кресле перед телевизором. 10. По-моему твоя квартира слишком мала для вашей семьи. 11. Я не могу сделать это без вашей помощи. 12. В течение последних трёх месяцев он сделал большие успехи в немецком языке. 13. Он шёл по направлению к морю. 14. Солдаты сели под дерево. 15. Говорят, Дэвид Копперфилд может пройти сквозь стену.