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Методичка английский

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9.My friend is living in St. Petersburg. 10. I am not in my office now. I drink coffee in the cafeteria. 11. We like to go by the sea. We go there every summer. 12. I am writing a composition every week. 13 She is thinking he is driving dangerously. 14. I am not know what to give my brother for his birthday. 15. What magazine do you read? – It is a French magazine.

7.Translate into English using the Present Continuous or the Present Indefinite Tense.

1.Ты придерживаешься какой-нибудь специальной диеты? – Я не думаю, что хорошо есть много мяса. Я ем мясо раз в неделю. 2. Он сейчас изучает английский, потому что хочет получить более хорошую работу. 3. Я думаю, что она часто волнуется. 4. Я сейчас звоню своему сыну в Париж. Я хотела бы звонить ему каждый месяц, но это очень дорого. 5. Ты меня сейчас слышишь? Как идет твоя работа? – Здорово.

Уменя все получается. 6. Я слишком много ем, поэтому постоянно толстею. 7. Послушай того человека. Ты можешь понять на каком языке он говорит? 8. Твой английский становится лучше? – Думаю, да.

9.Мы все знаем, что он никогда не рискует. 10. Не отвлекай его. Он как раз работает над своим произношением. 11. У тебя есть предположения, где сейчас Рик? Я не вижу его сейчас на работе. – Он навещает своих друзей в Испании. 12. Поторопись. У нас не так много времени. – Я уже иду. 13. Мне грустно, поэтому я плачу. 14. Моя бабушка занята. Она печет пирог с абрикосами. Она всегда печет пироги по субботам. 15. Мой младший брат не очень хорошо играет на пианино.




Past Continuous образуется при помощи вспомогательного глагола to be в прошедшем времени + четвертая форма глагола. Вопросительная форма образуется путем постановки вспомогательного глагола to be в соответствующем лице, числе и времени перед подлежащим. Отрицательная форма образуется при помощи отрицательной частицы not, которая ставится после вспомогательного глагола.

We were speaking. – Мы говорили.


What were you doing? – Что вы делали?

I was not writing a letter all day long. – Я не писал письмо весь


Формы глагола в Past Continuous










I (he, she, it) was

Was I (he, she, it)

I (he, she, it) was not






You were asking

Were you asking?

You were not asking


We (you, they) were

Were we (you, they)

We (you, they) were



not asking


Примечание. В разговорной речи вместо полных форм обычно используются сокращенные: wasn’t и weren’t.


Past Continuous употребляется:

1. для выражения длительного действия, совершавшегося в определенный момент в прошлом. Этот момент может быть определен:

а) такими обозначениями времени, как at five o'clock (в пять часов), at noon (в полдень), at midnight (в полночь), at that moment (в

тот (этот) момент) и т.п.

Не was writing his exercises at five o'clock. – Он писал упражнения в пять часов.

It was raining at noon. – В полдень шел дождь.

What was he doing at that moment? – Что он делал в этот момент?

б) другим прошедшим действием, выраженным глаголом в Past


Не was writing his exercises when I entered the room. – Он писал упражнения, когда я вошел в комнату.

What was he doing when you called on him? – Что он делал, когда вы зашли к нему?

Не hurt his leg while he was playing football. – Он ушиб ногу, в то время как играл в футбол.

Как видно из приведенных примеров, Past Continuous может употребляться как в главном, так и в придаточном предложении.


2.для выражения длительного действия, которое совершалось в истекшем отрезке времени, хотя и не происходило непрерывно в течение всего этого отрезка.

Не was writing a play during the summer. – Он писал пьесу летом.

In June that firm was carrying negotiations for the purchase of wheat. – В июне эта фирма вела переговоры о покупке пшеницы.

3.для выражения длительного действия в прошлом, совершавшееся в определенном отрезке времени непрерывно, с такими обозначениями времени, как all day long (весь день), all day yesterday

(вчера весь день), all the time (все время), the whole evening (весь вечер), from five till eight (с пяти до восьми) и т. п.:

I was resting from five till six yesterday. – Вчера я отдыхал с пяти до шести.


1.Read the text about the events happened last night. Replace infinitives with the Past Continuous.

Last night was hard. There was a blackout as well as a robbery. People in Smithville were upset. But what (they/do) when the lights went out? A man (to wash) the dishes while his wife (to give) her baby a bath. A blonde woman (to wash) her clothes. Another woman (to watch) TV with her husband and their children (to do) their homework. A young man didn't realise the lights went out because he (to listen) to music on his mp3 player. But why did the lights go out? The director of the power company claims that there was a blackout because it (to rain) heavily but it is said that they (to have) a party and they (not to watch) the controls. One of the reporters, Bob, (to wash) the dishes and Dorris, his wife, (to have) a bath. Jackie, Bob's colleague, (to work) in the building. Now let's talk about the robbery. Burglars broke into all the apartments in the building when all the tenants were out. But what (they/do)? One of the tenants (to wash) his clothes and a woman (to visit) a friend. Another woman (to have) a picnic at the beach and a man (to play) tennis in the park. Two men (to attend) a football game and a blonde woman (to visit) her grandchildren. What a night!

2.Yesterday at 3 pm the following people were in the middle of an action. Write positive sentences in the past continuous.

Example: You / play / cards - You were playing cards.


1. Alice / walk / around the lake. 2. Caron / listen / to the radio. 3. We / read / a book about Australia. 4. Linda / look for / her ring. 5. Fiona and Sam / visit / the castle. 6. Ben / wash / the car. 7. Kim and I / wait / in the park. 8.My sister / feed / the birds. 9. Greg and Phil / count / their money. 10. We / play chess / yesterday evening. 11. The engineer / construct / the device for two years. 12. The ships / leave for Sevastopol / at 7 pm yesterday. 13. It / rain / the whole day yesterday. 14. Susan / dance / the whole evening. 15. The doctors / operate the patients / for three hours last night.

3. Read the sentences and say the opposite.

Example: Mr. Brown was reading a magazine when I came in. – Oh no. Mr. Brown wasn’t reading a magazine when I came in.

1.I was listening to the news when you came in. 2. She was playing with her little daughter. 3. When the door-bell rang, Alex was repairing his son’s toy. 4. Nelly was wearing a little dress when I met her. 5. When Phillip came with a brush, his brother was painting a wall. 6. When father opened the door, Mary was watching her favorite TV program. 7. When mother came into the room, her daughter was painting a wonderful picture.

8.At 8 o’clock in the morning my parents were making plans for the weekend. 9. When Mary phoned, her son was washing up. 10. Yesterday evening my uncle was sweeping the floor. 11. I was sleeping, when my dad came. 12. Kate was having breakfast when the phone rang. 13. The doctors were examining a little girl for an hour yesterday. 14. When mother returned home, Jane was doing her homework. 15. A young lady was watering the flowers, when it started raining.

4.Make up questions to the following sentences. Use the Past Continuous.

1.When her husband arrived home, Ann was watching television. 2.

I was cooking dinner when the telephone rang. 3. The gentleman was having tea when the postman arrived. 4. Julie was learning to drive when she worked in London. 5. You were sitting on the balcony when the show began. 6. I visited Athens while I was touring Greece. 7. It was when he was crossing the street that John fell. 8. I saw a nice kitty while I was waiting for the bus. 9. My friends were going to the stadium when their car broke down. 10. Linda met Peter when she was walking in the park. 11. The moon was shining high in the sky, and the night was warm and beautiful. 12. The nightingale was singing a wonderful song and Adam stopped to listen to it. 13. When I came home from school yesterday, my little brother


was sitting on the floor with all his toys around him. 14. When we were playing in the yard yesterday, it suddenly started raining heavily. 15. Jane was writing a composition at this time yesterday.

5. Replace the infinitives by the verbs in the Present Continuous or the Past Continuous.

1. I (to write) an English exercise now. 2. My little sister (to sleep) at this time yesterday. 3. My friends (not to do) their homework now. 4. They (to play) volley-ball at the moment. 5. She (to read) the whole evening yesterday. 6. Now she (to go) to school. 7. What (to do) you now? – I (to drink) tea. 8. My sister is fond of reading. She (to read) the whole evening yesterday, and now she (to read) again. 9. Look! My cat (to play) with a ball. 10. When I went out into the garden, the sun (to shine) and the birds (to sing) in the trees. 11. You (to eat) ice-cream when I rang you up yesterday. 12. What your father (to do) now? 13. Why she (to cry) when I saw her yesterday? 14. I (to eat) a banana now. 15. I (not to play) the piano at four o’clock yesterday.

6.Replace the infinitives in brackets by the Past Indefinite or the Past Continuous.

1.My brother and sister (to play) tennis at 11am yesterday. 2. … you still (to work) at 7pm last night? 3. At 8.30am today I (to drive ) to work. 4. Mary (to wait) for me when I (to arrive). 5. We (to sleep) at 11pm. 6. I (to meet) John in town yesterday. He (to shop). 7. Why … he (to have) lunch at

4 pm? 8. The telephone rang when we (to watch) TV. 9. I (not/to know) what to say when they asked about that. 10. … he (to have) a shower when I (to call)? 11. Where … you (to go) yesterday? 12. Jim’s way (to lie) along the quays. He (to walk) slowly. 13. Andrew (to write) the label when the surgery bell (to ring) and presently a short man (to enter). 14. Mrs. Page (to leave) the house. A small dog (to follow) her. 15. “I (to see) a light in your window as I (to pass),” he (to say).

7.Translate into English, using the Past Indefinite or the Past Continuous.

1.Когда я вошел в зал, студенты все еще обсуждали первый доклад. 2. Поезд приближался к станции; делегаты стояли у окон и махали шляпами. 3. Пассажиры так и не увидели Байкал. Когда поезд проезжал Байкал, была ночь. 4. Машинистка печатала доклад, когда вошла секретарь и положила на стол еще какие-то бумаги. 5. Иванов писал свою знаменитую картину «Явление Христа народу» двадцать


лет. 6. Поезд набирал скорость, когда он вскочил в вагон. 7. Я разговаривал со своим братом по телефону в течение 20 минут. 8. Пока директор вел деловую беседу с представителями иностранных фирм, секретарь сортировала утреннюю почту. 9. В то время пока он пробирался сквозь толпу, он услышал, как кто-то окликнул него. 10. Мы вышли на привокзальную площадь. Толпы людей спешили на вокзал и с вокзала; сновали носильщики с тяжелыми чемоданами, подъезжали и отъезжали машины, кто-то покупал цветы. 11. Вчера в это время они сидели в гостиной и разговаривали о своей поездке. 12. Солнце уже садилось за холмы, когда я дошел до деревни, которая была в несколько милях от моря. 13. Мы шли вниз по улице по направлению к дому моего друга. 14. Он закончил ремонтировать свой велосипед вчера вечером. 15. Когда отец пришел домой, моя сестра готовила ужин.




Future Continuous образуется при помощи вспомогательного глагола to be в будущем времени и четвертой основной формы смыслового глагола. При образовании вопросительной формы вспомогательный глагол shall или will ставится перед подлежащим. При образовании отрицательной формы после глагола shall или will ставится отрицание not.

I shall be speaking. – Я буду говорить.

Will he be speaking? – Будет ли он говорить? Не will not be speaking. – Он не будет говорить.

Формы глагола в Future Continuous




Отрицательная форма






I shall be asking.

Shall I be asking?

I shall not be asking.


You (he, she, it) will

Will you (he, she,

You (he, she, it)


be asking.

it) be asking?

will not be asking.


We shall be asking.

Shall we be asking?

We shall not be asking.


You (they) will be

Will you (they) be

You (they)




will not be asking.

Примечание. В разговорной речи вместо полных форм обычно используются сокращенные: shan't, won't.



Future continuous употребляется для выражения конкретного действия, которое, как мы ожидаем, будет длиться в точно указанный момент или период в будущем.

Не will be reading an English book when I return home. – Он будет читать книгу на английском языке, когда я вернусь домой. (Т. е. в тот момент, когда я вернусь.)

I shall be reading a book at 4 o'clock (after dinner). – Я буду читать книгу около четырех часов (после обеда). (Момент / период в будущем точно указан обстоятельством времени 'at four o'clock', 'after dinner'.)


1. Write out the sentences in the Future Continuous Tense.

1.I am going away tomorrow evening. 2. We shall not go swimming unless the water is warm. 3. He will be leaving at 5 o’clock tomorrow. 4. I am sure they will be fond of swimming. 5. Scientists will be studying the currents from June till August. 6. Reading will be their favorite past time. 7. While my mother is cooking I shall be washing up. 8. There will be an alarming decrease in the quantity of water in the reservoirs. 9. It was very nice meeting you. 10. He is walking in the mountains. 11. His hobby will be collecting stamps. 12. He will be afraid of missing his train. 13. He will be meeting us at the station. 14. Next month they will be repairing the school.

15.His task was translating an article.

2.Open the brackets using the verbs in the Future Continuous.

1. The boys (to play) football the whole weekends. 2. The adults (to talk) about their project from five till eight pm. 3. Why they (to do) that project? 4. What you (to be going to do – собираешься делать) today the whole evening? 5. We (to go) to the Dubai for the vacation in a week. 6. When my friend (to come) to my apartment, I (to work) at my project the whole day. 7. When he (to bring) the cake, we (to have) dinner. 8. When he (to get) here? – I (to be going) to play tennis the whole evening. 9. Hallo, he says that he (not to be) late. 10. I (not to stay) at the office during 7 hours. 11. The girls (to go) shopping tomorrow, one of them (to be going) to buy a wedding dress, because she (to get married) next month. 12. It (not to work) in the future for a few years without this thing. 13. You (to be going to visit) your granny in Boston? 14. I (to clean up) when you (to come) with my things. 15. She (to type) while I (to put) my notes.


3.Write questions and the negative forms of the following


1.This time tomorrow I shall be translating the article. 2. At 3 o’clock tomorrow she will be working. 3. They will be waiting for you at 7 p.m. tomorrow. 4. He will be reading a book tomorrow at 11 p.m. 5. We shall be packing our things from 6 to 7 o’clock. 6. When you come I shall be sleeping. 7. When my parents come home my sister will be preparing for the exams. 8. My friends will be watching the football match tomorrow evening. 9. We don’t know what will be happening the day after tomorrow.

10.She is a girl who will be staying at my hotel tomorrow morning. 11. The sun will be shining brightly and we’ll be swimming all day long. 12. All this time John will be helping his neighbor to change the wheel. 13. My family will be having lunch at one o’clock. 14. We’ll be traveling all over the country the whole month. 15. When you come, he will be still working at his report.

4.Put the verbs into the Future Continuous Tense making all necessary changes.

Example: At 6 o’clock in the morning he always sleeps. – He will be sleeping at 6 o’clock in the morning tomorrow.

1.It is 5 o’clock. She is having a music lesson. 2. He is working in the garden now. 3. It is eleven o’clock. Ben is lying on the bench. 4. It’s 10 o’clock. Nick and Tom are playing tennis. 5. It’s dinnertime. We’re standing in the queue to enter the canteen. 6. She is out. She always goes shopping during the break. 7. It’s eight o’clock. He is speaking with his partner on the telephone. 8. Granny is cooking supper. 9. His little sister is eating porridge this morning. 10. It’s no use inviting Tom for a walk. He is watching a football match. 11. We are having tea out in the garden. 12. The English students are writing their examination paper. 13. He goes to university at 8 a.m. every day. 14 She is working on her thesis now. 15. The proportion of the people in the younger age is increasing.

5.Open the brackets and use either the Future Indefinite or the Future Continuous Tense.

1.He has come home from university late today. So he can’t go for a walk: he (do) his homework after dinner. 2. Today is Sunday and it does not rain. We (have) tea out in the garden. 3. The big stores (have) their summer sales soon. 4. The weather is warm today. We (have) a walk out in the garden. 5. I’m leaving now, but I suppose I (see) you in the evening. 6. There is a party at Betsy’s house tonight. So I (to meet) you in the evening.


7. It’s awful to think I (work) this time next week. 8. Wait a little I (phone) for a taxi. 9. I’m very tired. I think I (go) to bed earlier today. 10. We (play) chess in half an hour. 11. When you come, he still (work) at his report. 12. Tomorrow at this time we (go) to Scotland. 13. Can you imagine that in five days we (cross) the Atlantic on our way home. 14. What you (do) if I come at five? – I (watch) TV. 15. If they arrive at 7, I still (sleep). I usually get up at 8.

6. Open the brackets and use the Future Indefinite, the Future Continuous or the Present Continuous Tenses.

1. I (to do) my homework at six o'clock tomorrow. 2. I (to go) to the countryside on the weekend. 3. Tomorrow I (to begin) doing my homework as soon as I come from school. 4. I (to do) my homework from three till six. 5. My father (to come) home at seven o'clock tomorrow. 6. I (to go) to your place in three days, and we (to go) for a walk together. 7. When I come home tomorrow, my family (to have) supper. 8. When you come to my place tomorrow, I (to read) your book. 9. Don't come to my place tomorrow. I (to write) a composition the whole evening. 10. I (not to go) to the cinema tomorrow. I (to watch) TV the whole evening. 11. What you (to do) tomorrow? 12. What you (to do) at eight o'clock tomorrow? 13. You (to play) volleyball tomorrow? 14. You (to do) this work next Sunday? 15. When you (to go) to see your friend next time?

7.Translate into English.

1. Если погода будет хорошей, завтра в это время вы будете пересекать Ла-Манш. 2. Не звоните мне от 3-х до 5-ти. Я буду работать. 3. Девочки сейчас будут играть в волейбол, а мальчики – в футбол. 4. Когда ты придешь к нему, он будет красить потолок. 5. Боюсь, я буду занят в это время. Мы будем встречать японскую делегацию. 6. Когда мы придем домой, мама все еще будет готовить обед. 7. Неужели я завтра буду лететь на самолете в Америку? 8. Боюсь, когда вы придете, они будут уходить. 9. Мы завтра будем обедать в три, а не в два. 10. Ваш малыш еще будет спать, если я приду в три? 11. Завтра утром будет идти дождь. 12. Я буду смотреть телевизор в 5 часов завтра. 13. Я буду делать домашнее задание, когда ты придешь. 14. Завтра в два часа они будут слушать свою любимую музыку. 15. Не звони ей в 9. Она будет укладывать детей.




Группа совершенных форм имеет три времени: настоящее

(Present Perfect), прошедшее (Past Perfect) и будущее (Future Perfect).

Все времена perfect образуются при помощи вспомогательного глагола to have в соответствующем времени и третьей основной формы смыслового глагола. Все времена группы perfect употребляются для выражения действия, предшествующего другому действию или какому-либо моменту времени.

Группа форм perfect continuous имеет тоже три времени:

настоящее (Present Perfect Continuous), прошедшее (Past Perfect Continuous) и будущее (Future Perfect Continuous). Все времена perfect continuous образуются при помощи вспомогательного глагола to be в форме одного из перфектных времен и четвертой основной формы смыслового глагола.

Все времена группы perfect continuous могут употребляться для выражения действия, которое началось и длилось раньше другого действия или определенного момента времени.




Present Perfect Continuous образуется при помощи вспомогательного глагола to have в настоящем времени (have, has) и

смыслового глагола в третьей форме (Participle II). В вопросительном предложении вспомогательный глагол ставится перед подлежащим. В отрицательном предложении после вспомогательного глагола ставится отрицание not.

Не has asked. – Он спросил. Has he asked? – Спросил ли он?

Не has not asked. – Он не спросил.