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Методичка Комиссаров.doc
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4.1. Прочтите следующие предложения. Переведите их, обращая внимания на союзы, вводящие придаточные обстоятельственные:

1. Until the reaction is over no definite evidence can be obtained.

2. This value may be subject to refinement when analyses are complete.

3. Although these two methods will require completely different control structures, the techniques used will not be very different.

4. The heat problem will become insignificant, since transistors emit a negligible amount of heat.

5. However many times the experiment was repeated the result was always the same.

6. The real surface area of films is sometimes equal to their apparent area whatever the film weight.

4.2. Прочтите следующие предложения, определите функцию слова since (предлог – с, после; союз – так как, поскольку) и переведите предложения:

1. The process has been used since its first announcement. 2. I have not had a competent assistant since Joe left. 3. Since the theory should be a general one it should apply in all cases mentioned. 4. Since (then) attention has been focused on understanding the fundamental mechanisms involved in this process. 5. Since the early 1970's a happy equilibrium has been reached in the society. 6. Their computation on a digital computer is efficient since only logical expressions and elementary algebraic functions are involved.

4.3. Прочтите следующий текст. Найдите инфинитив в функции обстоятельства. Переведите текст.

Everything under the sun at Google.

What is Google? A search engine? A media conglomerate? Or an energy provider? The company has announced that it will provide $75 million to build 3,000 residential solar electricity systems across the US this week.

Under the plan, homeowners can install a $30,000 solar electricity systems with little or no money upfront. Google will own the panels and homeowners pay a monthly fee for the energy.

To get the project off the ground, Google is creating a fund with a San Francisco company called Clean Power Finance that local solar installers will be able to tap so they can offer financing plans to prospective buyers.

This is the latest in a string of investments worth about $850 million that Google has made in renewable energy as part of its long-standing aim of reducing the environmental impact of the business. But it`s not all altruistic. As the owner of the panels, Google will get the benefit of federal and state renewable energy subsidies.

Перевод некоторых лексико - грамматических трудностей.

1. Перевод некоторых сочинительных союзов.

Сочинительные союзы соединяют однородные члены предложения, а также независимые предложения. К сочинительным союзам относятся, в частности:

аndи, а

butно. Не путать использование but в качестве союза (cj.), в качестве предлога (prp.- кроме, за исключением) и в качестве наречия (adv.- только), например:

All experiments proved successful but the last one – все опыты оказались удачными, кроме последнего (предлог).

The investigations have but begun – исследования только начались (наречие).

for так как (ибо). Не путать использование for - в качестве союза (cj. после запятой или в начале предложения). - В качестве предлога (prp.для, за перед существительным; в течение –в предложениях со сказуемым в форме Perfect Continuous). - В обороте for + cущ. + Infinitive – переводится «чтобы». Примеры:

The device may be relied upon, for it is of the latest design – на этот прибор можно

положиться, так как он является новейшей конструкцией (союз).

I had been working at this problem for two years by that time – к тому времени я

(уже) работал над этой проблемой в течение двух лет (предлог).

For this method to be valuable it must be improved чтобы этот метод был полезным, его надо

усовершенствовать (оборот for + сущ. + Infinitive).

There is a tendency for the method to be used in all the experiments - существует тенденция к

тому, чтобы использовать этот метод во всех экспериментах (оборот for + сущ. + Infinitive).

Прочтите и переведите следующие предложения:

  1. Stay with us for the weekend.

  2. Blessed is he who expects nothing, for he shall never be disappointed.

  3. It is time for the political opponents of the government to stand up and be counted.

  4. That is another cause for suspicion.

  5. Everybody lives for something better to come.

  6. Eat, drink and be merry, for tomorrow you die.

  7. One law for the rich and another for the poor.

  8. Much is to be done in the field of green IT for the environment problems to be solved successfully.