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American holidays

Here is a list of American holidays, when they are celebrated, and some information about how they are celebrated.


Time of Year

Type of Celebration

New Year’s Eve

Evening of December 31

People dress up to go out to dinner, movies, theater, or parties. Most parties begin at 9 or 10 p.m.

New Year’ s Day

January 1

People relax from previous evening’s festivities. They may visit with friends. Many watch college football games on television.

Dr. Martin Luther King’s Birthday.

January 15

Some schools and businesses close in honor of this civil rights leader.

Valentine’s Day

February 14

Children exchange greeting cards in school. Sweethearts exchange cards. Men give flowers or candy to the women they love (wife, daughter, mother, girlfriend).

Presidents’ Day (Combined celebration of Washington’s Birthday and Lincoln’s Birthday

Third Monday in February

Many schools close for one week vacation. Banks and the post office close for the day.

St. Patrick’s Day

March 17

Irish holiday, celebrated with parades. People wear green.

April Fool’s Day

April 1

A day when people, especially children, like to play tricks on others.


Eight days in the spring

Jewish religious holiday celebrating Jews’ escape from slavery in Egypt. On the first two nights, Jewish people have a traditional family meal called a Many schools close seder.


A Sunday in the spring

Christian religious holiday. Some people stay home from work or school on the preceding Friday (Good Friday). On Easter Sunday, Christian families attend church and gather for traditional meals. (In addition, many Americans enjoy buying chocolate Easter bunnies, candy eggs, and jelly beans. There for one week vacation. Banks are Easter eggs hunts, and children color Easter eggs.)

Mother’s day

First Sunday in May

The extended family gathers; mothers and grandmothers receive cards and gifts.

Memorial Day

Last Monday in May

A day honoring all who have died in war. Schools and all government offices and businesses are closed.

Father’s Day

Third Sunday in June

Families gather; fathers and grandfathers receive cards and gifts.

Independence Day

July 4

The day that the United States declared independence from England is celebrated with parades, picnics, barbecues. and fireworks.

Labor Day

First Monday in September

The final summer vacation day before school begins. People go to picnics and have outdoor parties with family and friends.

Rosh Hashanah

Two days in the fall

Jewish New Year, celebrated by going to synagogue.

Yom Kippur

Tenth day following Rosh Hashanah

Day of Atonement in the Jewish religion; Jews fast and go to synagogue.

Columbus Day

October 12

The day Christopher Columbus discovered America. Schools, banks, and post offices are closed.

Veteran’s Day

Fourth Monday in October

A day honoring all people who have served in the armed forces; people display flags, and there are parades.


October 31

Children dress up in costumes and go door to door saying “trick or treat”. They expect people to give them candy.


Fourth Thursday in November

Commemorates the Pilgrims’ first harvest in the New World. Celebrated with a large meal, traditionally roast turkey.


Eight days in late fall

The Jewish Festival of Lights; families light candles and exchange small gifts on each of the eight nights.


December 25

Christian holiday celebrating the birth of Jesus Christ. Families

gather to exchange gifts and eat a traditional meal. Families decorate Christmas trees with ornaments and sing songs. Santa Claus, a fat, jolly man in a white beard, brings gifts to all.

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