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ad Verbum.doc
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plum wine

to hesitate


a sip


to show someone up


Factual questions

1. Where did this incident take place?

2. Who asked to taste Mrs. X's plum wine?

3. Why did Mrs. X hesitate?

4. Who offered the stranger a sip of the wine?

5. What did Mr. X think about what happened?

Cultural note

In many Japanese restaurants in the United States, it is possible for about eight people to sit around a large table. In the center is a heated flat surface where the food is cooked in a special Japanese way. The elaborate cooking ceremony and the close seating arrangement often result in friendly discussion among strangers. Does this occur in other restaurants?


1. Why do you suppose Mrs. X was reluctant to share her glass with the stranger?

2. What do you think Mrs. X's response would have been if Mrs. C had asked to taste her wine? Or if her own husband had asked?

3. Do you agree or disagree with Mr. X?

4. What would you have done in her situation?


Write a reply to Mrs. X, as if you were Ann Landers, and answer the question in her letter.

From the desk of Ann Landers

Dear Mrs. X,

Sorry, I disagree with your husband. It was extremely rude of that woman to ask for a sip of wine from your glass. You were wise to hesitate and Mrs. C was foolish to offer hers. A tactful response would have been, "The wine is delicious. May I order you a glass?"




Situation 3.

Invitation is Incomplete

Dear Ann Landers,

Four years ago, at the age of 17 I told my parents I was going to become engaged to a man they despised. They tried to talk me out of it but my mind was made up. I should tell you that Robert was six years my senior and handicapped. They informed me that if I accepted a ring from him, I must move out of the house at once. So I did, and moved in with Robert.

Eleven months later our child was born. We decided to get married three weeks after that by the Justice of the Peace. I phoned my mother, with whom I had little contact those several months, and told her about the baby. She said she had heard the news and she and my father would like to see me but Robert was not welcome in their home. He is very hurt but feels I should take the baby and go see them.

I don't know what to do, Ann. I know my folks are dying to see their first grandchild, but I hate to hurt my husband. Please advise.

Asunder in Ohio


to despise

to become engaged

talk me out of it

my mind was made up

Robert was six years my senior

if I accepted a ring from him


dying to see their first grandchild


Factual questions

1. Why did the writer of this letter move out other parents' house? Where did she move?

2. When did she telephone her mother? Why?

3. What did her mother tell her?

4. What does her – husband think she should do?

5. What specific advice does she want?


1. What is the decision she has to make?

2. The writer says that her parents despised Robert but doesn't explain why. What reasons might they have?

3. Were the parents wise to threaten their daughter?

4. Was the daughter right to marry against her parents' wishes?

5. If someone is going to be hurt, is it better to be this woman's husband or parents?

6. If the daughter hadn't written for Ann Landers' advice, what do you think she would have done on her own?


Write a letter to Asunder in Ohio, as if you were Ann Landers, and advise her what to do.

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