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1. Read the text and match these headings (a – c) to the paragraphs

(1 – 3):

  1. Advantages and Disadvantages

  2. Conclusion

c) Introduction

2. What linking words are used in the text and for what purposes?

Living in the country is something that people from the city often dream about. However, in reality, it has both its advantages and disadvantages. There are certainly many advantages to living in the country. First of all, you can enjoy peace and quiet. In addition, people are usually friendlier and more open. Moreover, there is less traffic, so it’s safer for young children. On the other hand, there are certain disadvantages to life outside the city. To begin with, there are fewer people, so you are likely to have fewer friends. In addition, there is little entertainment, particularly in the evening. Furthermore, the fact that there are fewer shops and services means that it is harder to find a good job. In conclusion, it can be seen that the country is more suitable for some people than the others. On the whole, it is often the best place for those who are retired or who have young children. In contrast, for young single people who have a career, it’s better to live in the country.

Task 6. Which of these sentences express the opinion given in the heading, and which one expresses the opposing point of view?

Having a pet is good for you

1. In my opinion, owning a pet teaches children to become responsible adults.

2. In addition, a pet can be amusing.

3. However, pets need a lot of care and attention.

4. What is more, certain pets can be useful if you train them properly.

5. On the other hand, pets can be a nuisance.

6. Firstly, a pet can be a good company.

Task 7. Choose the correct linking word/phrase.

1. Besides / Despite, television affects the way we think.

2. Many people are against / argue that we need advertisements in order to keep up to date with the latest products on the market.

3. One point of view against / in favour of travelling is that it allows you to meet people from different cultures.

4. Even though / Nevertheless most people nowadays use a computer at work, it will be a while before we stop putting our ideas down on paper.

5. For instance / Still, people who know how to play a musical instrument are usually popular and make friends more easily than others.

Task 8. Decide which sentence is correct.

1. a) He didn’t give it to me until my 21st birthday. Although it had been in our house all that time.

b) He didn't give it to me until my 21st birthday, although it had been in our house all that time.

2. a) The ink on the label had faded but you could still read my name.

b) The ink on the label had faded but, you could still read my name.

3. a) However I was always furious if anyone referred to Charlotte as my stepmother, she would always point out that that was exactly what she was.

b) I was always furious if anyone referred to Charlotte as my stepmother. However, she would always point out that that was exactly what she was.

4. a) The idea of a dying woman putting things in a special box for me was very strange. Nevertheless, it forced me to think about her.

b) The idea of a dying woman putting things in a special box for me was very strange nevertheless it forced me to think about.

Task 9. Choose the correct alternative.

1. She really liked the shoes but / nevertheless they were just to expensive.

2. Although / However the jacket was quite cheap, it wasn't exactly the colour she wanted.

3. It is true that Mr Billingham left the shop without paying for the camera. Nevertheless / Although, he has been under a lot of stress at work recently.

4. We ran to catch the 8.15 a.m. train but / although we arrived just after it had gone.

5. They decided to get a dog however / although they didn't have a garden.

6. He promised that he would try and find the file. But / However, he knew that it had been destroyed.

Task 10. Fill in the gaps using words/phrases from the list. Some words/phrases can be used more than once.

up to a point, especially, indeed, this means, needless to say, in general, in fact, the fact that, obviously, example

1. …, people have mixed feelings about the effects tourism has on a country.

2. Most people believe that computers always make life easier, but …, the opposite is sometimes true since they often cause problems when they break down.

3. …, testing products on animals is cruel, but it is difficult to find a suitable alternative.

4. A typical … of the benefits of country life is the fact that there is very little pollution from traffic.

5. …, more and more zoos are closing down shows that fewer people agree with keeping animals in captivity and, therefore, do not want to visit them any longer.

6. Using public transport can be a nuisance, … when buses and trains are late during rush hour periods.

7. Advances in medical science mean that cures have been found for many diseases … people live longer nowadays.

8. …, most people agree that more effort should be made where the recycling of materials is concerned.

9. More and more women are going back to work after the birth of their children and … they have to find some one to look after the children during the day.

Task 11. Join two sentences using the linking words in the list below.

due to, in addition to, on the grounds that, therefore, with the intention of

1. The government has launched a campaign to promote new businesses rural areas. They hope to draw people away from the large urban centres.

2. Television is a highly entertain medium. It can also be an excellent educational tool.

3. Freedom of expression is one of man’s basic, inalienable rights. People should be allowed to publish books containing all their beliefs and ideas.

4. Consumerism is becoming more and more a part of modern societies. This is because of advertizing and the mass media.

5. Many people object to smoking. This is because passive smoking can be extremely harmful to one’s health.

Task 12. Put the parts of the sentences into the correct order.

1. In conclusion / getting married has / to my mind / more advantages than disadvantages. After all / than a steady relationship / what can be more fulfilling / that lasts for the rest of your life? / with the person you love

2. To sum up / than other holidays / the main one being / camping holidays do have advantages / that they are far cheaper. In my opinion, / involved for them to ever / however, there is too much hard work / feel like a real holiday

3. To conclude, / in protecting many species from becoming extinct / by looking after animals and helping them to breed, / zoos play an important part /. Therefore,/ by the positive ones / the negative aspects of keeping animals in captivity / are balanced out

4. All in all, / advantages and disadvantages / computers have both. They may have replaced humans in many jobs, / and it is now difficult to imagine life without them / but they have also made our lives considerably easier

5. On the whole, / this is one thing you are unlikely to do / while most people go on holiday to rest, / on an adventure holiday. In my opinion, / associated with this kind of holiday / this disadvantage outweighs all the advantages

6. Taking everything into account, / advantages and disadvantages in keeping pets / there are both. In the end / to decide whether the pleasure associated with owning a pet / it is up to the individual / is worth the work that goes with it

Task 13. Read the cut version of the presentation below and define Introduction, Main Body, and Conclusion.