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Reading and speaking

Task1. Study the words and divide them into two columns.

Biological words

Other words

Biologist, environment, cellular level, ecosystem, although, specialize, physiology, oceanography, aquarium, biochemist, tissue, hypotheses, agricultural scientist, requirement, discipline, colleague, botany, zoology.

Task 2. Read the text and say if you agree with the title.

Biologists are students of the world

Biologists study humans, plants, animals, and the environments in which they live. They may conduct their studies, human medical research, plant research, animal research, environmental system research – at the cellular level or the ecosystem level or anywhere in between. Biologists are students of the world, interested in learning from every facet of life. Although this scope may seem overwhelming, in practice, biologists specialize in discrete areas that they feel drawn to. Biologists’ daily activities are driven by their area of specialization. Marine biologists study marine populations and physiology, working off boats, at oceanography centers, at aquariums, and at a variety of coastal sites. Biochemists spend most of their day in a laboratory analyzing tissue samples and carrying out research projects to test new hypotheses. Agricultural scientists analyze crop yields produced from different soils, fertilizers, or chemicals. Biologists study life to uncover its secrets and to find ways to solve problems, such as finding a cure for a disease. Much research is done in ecologically diverse areas such as the Brazilian Rain Forest, where nature – the world’s largest laboratory – has produced biological compounds scientists cannot yet create on their own. Biologists generally love what they do. They collaborate with each other on different scientific aspects. Many put in long hours, compelled by their dedication to work beyond the requirements of their job. Significant time at the lab, in the field, and at lectures and conferences all contribute to many biologists lack of a personal life outside the discipline. Within the field, colleagues are aware of and sensitive to others research progress and philosophical approach. Relationships with colleagues can be intense and often are substitutes for average social interaction. The rarefied knowledge and dedication required to analyze the basic stuff of life may be one reason why biologists choose to spend even more time with other biologists. They understand each other’s devotion to their work. From botany to zoology, biologists are engaged in a demanding and creative scientific endeavor. One biologist described it as «assembling the pieces of nature’s puzzle».

Task 3. Match the words with their Russian equivalents.

  1. conduct, carry out (V) a) болезнь

  2. facet (N ) b) почва

  3. overwhelming (Adj) c) проводить, выполнять

  4. discrete (Adj) d) усилия, старания

  5. crop yield e) природа, сущность

  6. soil (N ) f) сторона, аспект

  7. fertilizer (N ) g) преданность

  8. cure (N ) h) урожайность

  9. disease (N ) i) сотрудничать

  10. dedication (N ) j) огромный, неодолимый

  11. stuff (N ) k) удобрение

  12. endeavor (N ) l) отдельный, обособленный

  13. collaborate(V) m) лекарство

Task 4. Answer the questions to the text «Biologists are students of the world».

  1. What do biologists study? What do you study in Master Degree Courses?

  2. What areas of biological specialization are mentioned in the text? What branch are you engaged in?

  3. Why do biologists study life?

  4. Can you prove with the text that biologists generally love their work?

  5. Name the reasons why biologists choose to spend more time with other biologists. Do you collaborate with other biologists on scientific aspects?

Task 5. Tell your partner why you have chosen your profession, what attracts you more in it and what possible disadvantages you can run into it.

Task 6. Read the text «Building blocks of life» and match the highlighted words with their notions.

  1. a microscopic membrane of lipids and proteins that forms the external boundary of the cytoplasm of a cell or encloses a vacuole, and that regulates the passage of molecules in and out of the cytoplasm.

  2. one part of a cell that allows water and food to pass in and out.

  3. the parts of cells.

  4. to be in a line with one another.

  5. cellular conversion of the sun's energy.

  6. a tiny building block that contains all the information necessary for the survival of any plant or animal.

  7. an instrument used to see the first cell.

  8. a minute opening in a surface, esp. the skin or integument of an organism, through which gases, liquids, or microscopic particles can pass.

  9. the most common element found in your body.

  10. a parasite or disease spread into an organism or bodily part.

  11. a kind of germ that can cause disease.

  12. a light substance forming the bark (= outer covering) of a tree.