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A. Translate from English into Russian.

The Real World

Various nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) organize protests against globalization. NGOs typically state that they represent the interests of poor, working, oppressed, and economically disadvantaged people. Critics view them as uninformed elitists, while supporters see them as fighting exploitation and economic injustice. In truth, some NGOs, such as Amnesty International, and the Red Cross, do much to alleviate misery and aid the suffering. Others indeed amount to radical fringe groups.

People from each type of NGO, as well as unaffiliated protesters, have targeted globalization as evil. They have mounted protests in Washington (against the international Monetary Fund and the World Bank), Seattle (against the World Trade Organization), Barcelona (against the European Union), Genoa (against the G-7), and Davos, Switzerland (against the World Economic Forum, which is sponsored by some 1,000 major corporations from across the industrialized world), to name a few.

B. Translate from Russian into English.

Междунаронные кредитные, валютно-финансовые и торговые


Из многочисленных организаций занимающихся валютно-финасвыми проблемами можно выделить Всемирный банк, Международный банк реконструкции и развития (МБРР), Международный валютный фонд (МВФ) и другие.

Международный банк реконструкции и развития (МБРР) создан в

соответствии с Соглашением, подписанным в Бреттон-Вудсе (США) в 1944г. Целями МБРР являются: оказание помощи в реконструкции и развитии государств путем осуществления капиталовложений для восстановления экономики, конверсии, производственных предприятий; оказание содействия частным иностранным инвестициям путём предоставления гарантий или участия в займах и иных капиталовложениях. Штаб-квартира Банка расположена в Вашингтоне.

Международный валютный фонд (МВФ)- это специализированное учреждение ООН.

МВФ имеет следующие цели: содействовать международному сотрудничеству путём обеспечения механизма для консультации согласованных действий по международным валютным вопросам, способствовать сбалансированному росту международной торговли и тем самым содействовать высоким уровнем занятости и реального дохода.



You are working in a multinational corporation. You are to export the product of your company. Speak with your manager about the formalities and all necessary papers for transportation. You may use the following dialogue as a model. First, scan the dialogue and write down the names of papers necessary for export of goods.


I just heard from the freight forwarder (1) that our container is going to be picked up tomorrow. We’d better make sure everything is ready to go.


Let’s see … our general export license is current and the destination control statement (2) has been filed.


… and the shipping container has the proper markings (3). We also have the certificate of inspection (4).


We already calculated the weight of the shipment and we know the tare weight(5). Now we just need to subtract it from the gross weight to get the correct net weight.


We inspected the shipment and know that it’s in good condition, so we should receive a clean bill of lading (6) from the shipping line.


Well, that sounds like everything. As soon as we receive a copy of the dock receipt(7) we can submit our collection papers (8).


  1. freight forwarder – company which prepares shipping and insurance documents, arranges cargo deliveries

  2. destination control statement – required statement, listing the authorized export destination for cargo

  3. markings –letters, numbers, symbols for identification

  4. certificate of inspection – the document which certifies that merchandise was in acceptable condition before being shipped.

  5. tare weight – the entire weight of the cargo including the container

  6. bill of lading – declaration indicating that all cargo accepted for transportation was in good condition when received.

  7. dock receipt – receipt issued by the ocean carrier to acknowledge arrival of the cargo at the carrier’s warehouse or dock facilities

  8. collection papers – documents (including bills of lading, invoices, etc.) to the buyer in order to get paid for the shipment.


Discuss the following issues:

  1. What is the responsible role for developed nations to play in the economies of less developed nations?

  2. What are moral and ecological implications of using huge earth resources to sustain the levels of production and growth?

  3. What constitutes a sustainable growth?

  4. How much can and should NIC rely on foreign borrowing?

  5. How much money for capital investment can NICs reasonably expect to generate themselves?

  6. What is your opinion of the classification of nations into developed, newly developed and developing ones? Can you think of another principle of classification?

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