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Stew Leonard’s Fact Sheet

  1. Beginning the Business

  1. The Leonard Family Dairy

  1. Stew’s father

  1. Stew’s childhood and youth

  1. Changing Times

  1. New roads

  1. New kinds of dairies

  1. Designing the Dairy Store

  1. Factory-outlet store

  1. Disneyland store

2. Business Principle:

Supermarket Shopping Should Be Fun

  1. Stew Leonard’s Role

  1. Greeting customers

  1. Entertaining customers

  1. The Petting Zoo

  1. History

  1. Business Purposes

  1. Business Principle:

Listen to the Customer

  1. Ways of Eliciting Suggestions

  1. The Strawberry Suggestion

  1. A change in packaging

  1. Advantages and Disadvantages

  1. Effect on sales

  1. The Turkey Suggestions

  1. A change in packaging; effect on sales

  1. A further change on packaging; effect on sales

Look at the Stew Leonard's Approach to Supermarket Sales. What do you think about his ideas of running the business. Stew Leonard's Approach to Supermarket Sales

Dealing with Customers

1. "Our mission is to create happy customers."

2. "The customer who complains is our friend."

3. "It's five times harder to find a new customer than it is to keep an old one".

Marketing the Product

4. "Lower the price and sell the best. Word of mouth (personal recommendations) will do the rest.

5. "Pile it (the product) high and watch them buy."

6. "If you wouldn't take it home to your mother, don't put it out for our customers."

Managing Employees

7. "Hire people more for their attitudes than for their skills or intelligence."

8. "Management by appreciation: appreciate your customers, employees, and suppliers."

C. Interpreting Information

Speak on the following issues:

1. Too much entertainment in a supermarket could decrease sales.

2. Price is more important than the entertainment in attracting shoppers that will consistently return to a supermarket.

  1. Employees at Stew Leonard’s probably work harder than those at other large supermarkets.

  2. When sales are slow, Stew Leonard’s is less likely to pay attention to customer suggestions.

  1. Discussion

Dwell on the following:

  1. What would you change in your policy after acquiring information from the case?

  2. Write the main steps in improving sales of your supermarket.


As you read the text, take down the principles in the work of a manager you find the most important and exemplify your choice in writing.

Principles of Management

Different scholars offer different sets of principles of management. The most famous are the following fourteen. But the main principle should be read as follows: “There is nothing rigid or absolute in management affairs, it is all a question of proportion.”

  1. Division of work. Within limits, reduction in the number of tasks a worker performs or the number of responsibilities a manager has can increase skill and performance.

  2. Authority. Authority is the right to give orders and enforce them with reward or penalty. Responsibility is accountability for results. The two should be balanced, neither exceeding nor being less than the other.

  3. Discipline. Discipline is the condition of compliance and commitment that results from the network of stated or implied understandings between employees and managers. Discipline is mostly a result of the ability of leadership. It depends upon good supervisors at all levels making and keeping clear and fair agreements concerning work.

  4. Unity of command. Each employee should receive orders from one superior only.

  5. Unity of direction. One manager and one plan for each group of activities having the same objective is necessary to coordinate, unify and focus action.

  6. Subordination of individual interests to general interest. Ignorance, ambition, selfishness, laziness, weakness, and all human passion tend to cause self-serving instead of organization-serving behavior on the job. Managers need to find ways to reconcile these interests by setting a good example and supervising firmly and fairly.

  7. Remuneration of personnel. Various methods of payment may be suitable, but amounts should reflect economic conditions and be administered to reward well-directed effort.

  8. Centralization. Like other organisms, organizations need direction and coordination from a central nervous system. But how much centralization or decentralization is appropriate depends on the situation. The degree of centralization that makes best use of the abilities of employees is the goal.

  9. Scalar chain (line of authority). The scalar chain is the chain of command ranging from the top executive to the lowest ranks. Adhering to the chain of command helps implement unity of direction, but sometimes the chain is too long, and better communication and better decisions can result from two or more department heads solving problems directly rather than referring them up the chain until a common superior is reached.

  10. Order. Both equipment and people must be well chosen, well placed, and well organized for a smooth-running organization.

  11. Equity. Kindliness and justice will encourage employees to work well and be loyal.

  12. Stability of tenure of personnel. Changes in employee assignments will be necessary, but if they occur too frequently they can damage morale and efficiency.

  13. Initiative. Thinking through a plan and carrying it out successfully can be deeply satisfying. Managers should set aside personal vanity and encourage employees to do this as much as possible.

  14. Build teamwork.


A. Translate from English into Russian.

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