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Каталоги выставок

  1. КоБрА. Каталог выставки. М. 1998.

  2. Морозов и Щукин - русские коллекционеры. От Моне до Пикассо. Каталог выставки. М., 1993.

  3. Мондриан П. Каталог выставки. М., 1997.

  4. Мур Генри. Человеческое измерение. Каталог выставки. М., 1991.


  1. Гидион З.. Пространство, время, архитектура, М., 1975

  2. Гозак А. Алвар Аалто. М., 1976

  3. Гордон Е. Изобразительное искусство США 1960-х годов. // «Советское искусствознание», № 25. М., 1989.

  4. Графика Пикассо. Сборник. М.,. 1967.

  5. Дмитриева Н. Пикассо. М., 1971.

  6. Иконников А. Функция, форма, образ в архитектуре. М., 1986.

  7. Иконников А. Художественный язык архитектуры. М., 1985.

  8. Кантор-Гуговская А. Поль Гоген. Жизнь и творчество. Л.-М., 1965.

  9. Кислова Н. К. К проблеме исторического сознания в современном западном искусстве. // «Советское искусствознание», № 25. М., 1989.

  10. Костеневич А. Французское искусство XIX - начала XX веков в Эрмитаже. Л., 1984.

  11. Модернизм. Сб . статей. М., 1987.

  12. Стародубова В. Бурдель. М., 1970.

  13. Тугендхольд Я. Из истории западноевропейского, русского и советского искусства. М., 1987.

  14. Шагал М. Возвращение мастера. М., 1988.

  15. Эколье Р. Матисс. М., 1979.

Литература на иностранных языках:

Каталоги выставок:

Drexler A. Transformation in Modern Architecture. NY, 1979.

Hitchcock H.-R. Latin American Architecture Since 1945. NY., 1955.

- // - and Drexler A. Built in U.S.A.: Post-War Architecture. NY., 1952.

Le fauvisme francais et les debuts de l’expressionnisme allemand. Paris, 1966.

Rewald J. Les Fauves. NY., 1952.

Ritchie A.C. Sculpture of the Twentieth Century. NY., 1952.

Rubin W., ed. “Primitivism” in 20th – Century Art: Affinity of the Tribal and the Modern. 2 vols. NY, 1984.

Rudofsky B. Architecture Without Architects. NY., 1964.


1. Apollinaire G. Les peintres cubistes ; meditations esthetiques. Paris, 1913.

Общие труды:

Barr Jr.A.H. Defining Modern Art: Selected Writings of Alfred H. Barr. NY, 1986.

Bowness A. Modern European Art. NY, 1972.

Butler R. Western Sculpture: Definitions of Man. NY, 1975.

Caws M.A. The Eye in the Text: Essays on Perception, Mannerist to Modern. Princeton, 1981.

Cone M. The Roots and Routes of Art in the 20th Century. NY, 1975.

Danto A. The Transfiguration of the Commonplace: A Philosophy of Art. Cambridge, Mass., 1981.

Golgwater R. Primitivism in Modern Art. NY, 1967.

Greenberg C. Art and Culture. Boston, 1961.

Hartt F. Art: A History of Painting, Sculpture, Architecture. NY, 1985.

Hofmann W. Turning Points in Twentieth-Century Art. NY, 1969.

Johnson E.E. Modern Art and the Object. NY, 1976.

Kramer H. The Age of the Avant-Garde. NY, 1976.

Kuspit D.B. The Critic as Artist: The Intentionality of Art. Ann Arbor, 1984.

Langer S. Reflections on Art. NY, 1961.

Poggioli R. The Theory of the Avant-Garde. Cambridge, Mass., 1968.

Read H. The Philosophy of Modern Art. London, 1952.

- // - Art Now. NY, 1960.

Rosenberg H. The Tradition of the New. NY, 1959.

Rosenblum R. Modern Painting and the Northern Romantic Tradition: Friedrich to Rothko. NY, 1975.


Bacon E.N. Guide to Modern Architecture. Princeton, NJ., 1963.

Banham R. Theory and Design in the First Machine Age. Cambridge, Mass., 1980.

- // - The New Brutalism. NY., 1966.

Blake P. The Master Builders. NY., 1960.

Brooks H.A. The Prairie School. Toronto, 1972.

Curtis W.J.R. Modern Architecture Since 1900. Oxford, 1982.

Fletcher B. A History of Architecture on the Comparative Method. London, 1963.

Frampton K. And Futagawa. Modern Architecture 1851-1945. NY., 1983.

Giedion S. Space, Time, and Architecture. Cambridge, Mass., 1963.

Hamlin T.F. Forms and Functions of Twentieth Century Architecture. 4 vols. NY., 1952.

Hitchcock H.-R. Architecture: Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries. Baltimore, 1977.

- // - and Johnson P. The International Style. NY., 1966.

Hofmann W., and Kulturmann U. Modern Architecture in Color. NY., 1971.

Jencks C. Modern Movements in Architecture. NY., 1973.

Jurgen J. Architecture Since 1945. NY., 1969.

Lavedan P. Histoire de l’urbanisme. Vol. 3. Paris, 1952.

Marschall W. Contemporary Architecture in Germany. NY., 1962.

Peter J. Masters of Modern Architecture. NY., 1958.

Scully V. Modern Architecture. NY., 1974.

Sharp D. Modern Architecture and Expressionism. NY., 1967.

- // - , ed. A Visual History of Twentieth-Century Architecture. Greenwich, Conn., 1972.

Siegel A., ed. Chicago’s Famous Buildings. Chicago, 1965.

Smith G.E.K. The New Architecture of Europe. Cleveland and NY., 1961.

Архитектура постмодернизма

Davis D. Architecture: Essays on the Postmodern. NY., 1977.

Frampton K. A New Wave of Japanese Architecture. NY., 1978.

Jencks C., ed. Post-Modern Classicissm. London, 1980.

- // - and Chaitkin W. Architecture Today. NY., 1982.

Porphyrios D. Sources of Modern Eclecticism. NY., 1982.

Portoghesi P., et al. The Presence of the Past: First International Exhibition of Architecture – Venice Biennale 1980. London, 1980.

Ray K. Contextual Architecture: Responding to Existing Style. NY., 1980.

Rossi A. Architecture of the City. Cambridge, Mass., 1982.

Smith C.A. Supermannerism: New Attitudes in Post-Modern Architecture. NY., 1977.

Venturi R. Complexity and Contradiction in Architecture. NY., 1966.

Живопись и скульптура:

Barr Jr.A.H., ed. Painting and Sculpture in the Museum of Modern Art: 1929-1967. NY., 1977.

Canaday J. Mainstreams of Modern Art. NY., 1981.

Elsen A.E. Modern European Sculpture, 1918-1945: Unknown Beings and Other Realities. NY., 1979.

- // - Origins of Modern Sculpture: Pioneers and Premises. NY., 1974.

Hughes R. Shock of the New. NY., 1981.

Read H. The Art of Sculpture. NY and London, 1956.

- // - A Concise History of Modern Painting. NY., 1975.

- // - A Concise History of Modern Sculpture. NY and Washington, 1964.

Russell J. The Meanings of Modern Art. NY., 1981.

Schapiro M. Modern Art: 19th and 20th Centuries. NY., 1978.

Selz J. Modern Sculpture: Origins and Evolution. NY., 1963.

Selz P. Art in Our Times: A Pictorial History, 1890-1980. NY., 1981.

Steinberg L. Other Criteria: Confrontations with Twentieth-Century Art. NY., 1972.
