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3. Translate the following extracts into English paying attention to articles.

  1. Майк опустился на колени, достал из костра уголек и начал рисовать схему деревни, в которую нам предстояло наведаться завтра за питьевой водой, дюжиной яиц и солью.

  2. - Уилсоны уезжают в Нидерланды. Они только что звонили пригласить нас на прощальный ужин, который устраивают на выходные.

- Кто знает, может, они сколотят там состояние, продавая какой-нибудь новый сорт тюльпанов.

3. Было потешно наблюдать за обедом за маленьким Томми: Он всегда начинал жаловаться, что у него в тарелке больше супа, чем в тарелке его брата. Затем он заявлял, что в приготовленном бабушкой супе слишком много (или недостаточно) соли. Когда это не имело эффекта, он заявлял, что ненавидит щи, или грибной суп, или какой бы то ни было суп вообще. Тщательно выбрав и отложив в сторону морковку из второго, он внезапно обнаруживал, что слишком сыт даже для того, чтобы проглотить горошину. Когда же подходило время десерта, внезапно у него находилось достаточно места даже для второй порции!

4. Процесс изучения иностранного языка несет множество трудностей. Ключевой фактор успеха заключается в том, чтобы побороть лень и заставить себя учить десяток новых слов ежедневно. Встречая незнакомое слово, не упускай возможности найти его в словаре. Бросай вызов неизведанному! Поначалу ты можешь чувствовать смущение и нежелание говорить из-за всех ошибок, что допускаешь. Тебе хочется кричать от отчаяния, что требуется так много времени, чтобы построить грамматически верное предложение или понять значение отрывка. Однако усердная работа окупится, и ты достигнешь беглости речи и получишь хорошие знания языка.

Achievement Test

Insert the appropriate articles in the following sentences.

1. 1__ Rebecca Stephens was 2__ first British woman to climb 3__ Mount Everest.

2. It is proved by surveys that 4__ happiness does not come from 5__ love, 6__ wealth or 7__ power but 8__ pursuit of 9__ attainable goals: and what is 10__ diet if not that?

3. Danny returned to 11__ Father's house in 12__ state of 13__ intense agitation.

4. We hope this book will act as 14__ bridge between 15__ doctor and 16__ patient.

5. Even in 17__ jail, my fellow inmates treated me with 18__ kindness.

6. He was certain Sid would be eaten alive by 19__ hardened criminals in 20__ jail.

7. 21__ loving relationships that 22__ child makes will give him 23__ inner sense of 24__ security.

8. It's interesting that 25__ only direct quote from 26__ playwright, and one possible which has nothing to do with 27__ drama in 28__ question, is, ‘29__ Marriage is 30__ case of 31__ mutual forgiveness.'

9. It was arranged that 32__ party would gather for 33__ lunch in 34__ Royal Garden Hotel.

10. 35__ Shakespeare has accustomed us to 36__ mixture of 37__ humor and 38__ tragedy in 39__ same play.

11. You’ve already got 40__ Bible and 41__ Shakespeare.

12. Already 42__ moon was up, 43__ full moon bathing everything in 44__ pale blue light.

13. 45__ teacher that took us for 46__ economics was 47__ Miss Humphrey.

14. 48__ sick person needs 49__ absolute confidence and 50__ trust in 51__ doctor.

15. Formerly, 52__ relations between 53__ teacher and his pupils were dominated by 54__ fear on 55__ part of 56__ pupils.

16. He kept her prisoner in her own home and threatened to electrocute her and burn her with 57__ iron.

17. 58__ rush-hour traffic in 59__ city centre had been as thick as 60__ plate of 61__ home-made porridge!

18. 62__ Washington has been abuzz with 63__ stories about 64__ disarray inside 65__ White House.

19. 66__ little boy was washing 67__ plates and 68__ cups in 69__ bowl of 70__ water glutinous with 71__ grease, 72__ food matter and 73__ drowned flies.

20. 74__ Universe is 75__ whole cosmic system of 76__ matter and 77__ energy of which 78__ Earth is 79__ part.

21. Falling in 80__ love 81__ first time is all 82__ froth and 83__ fantasy.

22. I beg 84__ forgiveness for your dreams that never came true, for having failed to jump in one leap from 85__ grey, stagnant, totalitarian past to 86__ clear, rich and civilised future.

23. 87__ Daily Telegraph carries 88__ picture of 89__ man throwing himself before 90__ advancing tank.

24. He had sailed on 91__ Bretagne before.

25. His supply of 92__ American dollars did not tally, one of 93__ best suites had been booked twice by 94__ mistake, and 95__ wedding gift ordered by 96__ Captain Montaigne had been delivered to 97__ wrong ship. 98__ captain was going to be furious.

26. He discharged himself from 99__ hospital against 100__ advice of doctors.

27. I don't like going to 101__ work on my bike in 102__ wet weather.

28. For 103__ further information, please write to 104__ following address.

29. Ray just told me 105__ interesting piece of 106__ information.

30. There has been 107__ significant progress in understanding the HIV infection.

31. All these materials are found in 108__ nature.

32. My girlfriend has 109__ rather unforgiving nature so I don't think that I'll tell her.

33. We are delighted at 110__ news that our daughter is expecting a baby.

34. He walked east a few blocks to 111__ Four Seasons Hotel, bought 112__ Post in 113__ lobby, and casually rode 114__ elevator to 115__ seventh floor.

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