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2. Change the sentences into reported speech. Chose the most appropriate verb from the list, using each verb only once, and choose an appropriate tense form for the verb in that-clause.

alleged announced boasted confessed confirmed moaned protested

  1. I new nothing about the weapons. She……….

  2. Oh, I’m too hot! She………..

  3. I’ve found my keys! She……….

  4. I easily beat everyone else in this race. She………..

  5. The police forced me to confess. She………..

  6. It’s true. We are losing. She………..

  7. I must say that at first I was confused by the question. She…….

3. Complete these sentences with either said or told.

1. He … that the grass needed cutting.

2. We’ve finally … Don’s parents that we are getting married.

3. My brother … to me that he thought I was looking unwell.

4. Ann… me that you are moving to Canada.

5. When David came back, he… us about his holiday.

6. On the news, they… that there had been a big earthquake in Indonesia.

7. Mr. Picker … the press that he was selling his company, but I don’t believe him.

8. My mother… me about the time she worked in a chocolate factory.

9. They… to us that they were going to be a little late.

4. Using told, report each sentence in one of two different ways, depending on whether it is information or instruction.

  1. “Wait until the minister is ready, Mr. Smith.”

The secretary ….

  1. “You are looking good today, George.”

His girlfriend

  1. “Sit down and keep quire please, everybody.”

The chairman…

  1. “Be quick, or you will miss the train, Robert.”

His sister…

  1. “I haven’t seen my brother for nearly a week, Uncle.”


5. You have to report these suggestions, using the verb suggest and making any other appropriate changes in the sentences.

  1. “You might like to take some warm clothes with you.”

I suggest…

  1. “John, be more careful with what you say to Aunt Dorothea.”

She suggests …

  1. “Why don’t you take a later train?”

He suggested…

  1. “Robert may like to take out a subscription to The Economist”.

I suggest….

6. Report these dialogues:

1. - “More money should be spent on education,” Tom said.

- “I agree,” Jennifer answered.


2. - “I don’t think you should take up wind-surfing at your age,” John said

- “I feel it’s a sport that will suit all ages,” Jenny replied.

- “But it requires great physical strength,” John said.

- “And who told you I was short of that?” Jenny said.


3. -“Don’t go near the lions cage,” mother said.

- “But I want to see the lions close up,” Billy answered.

- “Isn’t this close enough?” mother asked.

- “No,” Billy replied.

- “I’m sorry, Billy, but you can’t go any closer than this.

- “But I want to,” Billy insisted.

- “Well, you can’t.”


  1. - “You really must keep to your diet, Mrs Flyn, if you are serious about losing weight,” Dr Grey said. “You have been keeping to it, haven’t you?”

  • “Well, I … er…,” Mrs Flynn muttered.

  • “Have you or haven’t you?”

  • “Well, I have occasionally a bit extra.”

  • “What do you mean, “a bit extra” ?”

  • “Oh – a cream cake or two.”

  1. Report these statements or questions beginning with the words given. (Make any necessary changes to verbs and to time expressions.)

  1. “It’s too late.”

  2. “Aren’t you worried about her?”

  3. “You mustn’t worry!”

  4. “Haven’t you finished?”

  5. “Give everyone a copy.”

  6. “You must leave tomorrow”.

  7. “I saw her yesterday.”

  8. “Everything must be ready by 6 tonight”.

  9. “Why didn’t you tell me before now?”

He told me …

I’m surprised …

He advised us …

He seemed surprised that I …

He suggested that everyone …

We were ordered …

He told me he …

The General told us …

He said he wished I …

8. The following passages report two conversations which took place. Rewrite them as a dialogue, i.e., give the speakers’ exact words. Begin Alan: “Hello Cathy, what …”

  1. Alan asked Cathy what she was doing that day. She told him she had not got any plans so he invited her to go swimming with him. She asked him to wait while she went and changed. He said he would go and have a coffee while he was waiting, but she pointed out that he would not have time because it would only take her a second to get changed.

  2. Alan wanted to know if he could help Cathy with her homework. She replied that she could use some help. He could see, he remarked, that she had a lot to do. He then told her that he had finished his own work some time before. She asked him how he had been able to do it so quickly. He replied with a grin that he had found a key to the exercises, so he had simply copied out all the answers. She called him a cheat and told him to get out and not to bother her again.

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