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I Complete the following sentences with the appropriate conjunctions from the box.

although     because     because     because     in spite of     in spite of     in spite of  

however   yet     whereas even though after until before that

  1. … he's 6 already, Steve still can't ride a bike.

  2. Hans finished second … his leg injury.

  3. I won't invite my classmates to a party, … I know them well.

  4. Nothing will ever grow on this plot (= piece of land) … in the 60s a nearby factory dumped its waste here.

  5. Alice is a fine person to be with, … , … what she thinks herself, she has great listening skills.

  6. I don't really believe everything he says. …, I thoroughly enjoy being with him.

  7. … they got married, they had to learn to manage their own home.

  8. John never apologizes … real friends need not apologize all the time, he says.

  9. Make sure you close all the windows … it starts to rain.

  10. She's such a snobbish person … nobody likes to be with her.

  11. We arrived at the hospital soaking wet … the fact that we were all wearing waterproof jackets.

  12. The evolution of modern technology never ceases to amaze me. …, I'm pretty sure the mysteries of life will never be revealed.

  13. I love cycling … my wife prefers walking.

  14. … he failed so miserably, he won't give up his ideals.

2 Combine the following sentences to show the relationships between the ideas. Make the necessary changes.


  1. You can’t go for a walk. You should clean your room first.

  2. A small stone struck the windshield. We were driving down the gravel road.

  3. I heard the door slam. I rushed downstairs immediately.

  4. The first guest arrived at 8 o’clock. We managed to finish the preparation at 7.55.

  5. On every occasion he wrote to me I failed to answer.


  1. You should practise speaking regularly. This is the ONLY way to improve your English.

  2. She is anxious to buy a new car. She hopes to win a lottery.

  3. I am going to buy some sweets. Liz will probably decide to visit me with kids.

  4. Unfortunately, this plan will not work out. However, a miracle can happen.

  5. I’ll do what you want. But you must promise to say nothing to Deborah.


  1. Carry phoned me late at night. She felt guilty and wanted to apologize.

  2. Cars have become more complicated. Mechanics need more training than in the past.

  3. I ran out of money. I didn’t buy the CDs I needed.


  1. I had a lot of studying to do. I went to the cinema anyway.

  2. They were late. They didn’t hurry.

  3. The weather was bad. We enjoyed the picnic.


  1. Juliette wasn’t there. John wasn’t there.

  2. I felt physically exhausted. I felt mentally exhausted.

  3. She can play lawn tennis well. She is good at golf too.

  4. I have never been to Rome. My best friend has never been to Rome.

  5. You can put it in the oven. You can also put it in the microwave.

3 Translate into English.

  1. Не успели Джонсоны приехать в Париж после четырёхмесячного отсутствия, как их сразу же отправили в Гаагу в командировку.

  2. Мы поймём, где мы и что делать дальше, только после того, как рассеется туман.

  3. И Брайан, и Майк вечно ко мне придирались, что очень расстраивало маму.

  4. Моя троюродная сестра сменила две работы с тех пор, как окончила университет, несмотря на то, что её родители были против.

  5. Нравится вам это или нет, но никто никуда не поедет, если не будет хорошей погоды,

  6. Эти девушки похожи как две капли воды, за исключением того, что Анна моложе Дианы на три года.

  7. Спроси их, пойдут ли они с нами в театр, если мы возьмёт билеты.

  8. Ни я, ни мой брат ещё ни разу не были в США, но мечтаем об этом уже давно. Как только у нас появится возможность, мы поедем туда на каникулы.

  9. Поскольку она очень рассердились на вас за плохое поведение, она не скоро вас простит, даже если вы попросите прощения.

  10. Нам нужно вдвое больше денег, чем у нас есть, для того, чтобы закончить проект вовремя.

Communication Practice

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