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1. Complete the text. Give your own examples to illustrate how you understood it:

Form v function

The form of a word or structure is the parti……. w….. in which it is repre… in wri….. or spe….. .

The functions of a word or structure in an utterance are the role it pl…. in the utterance, the purpose it is used to exp…. .

A word or structure can be in a particular ….. even when it is in isolation but it can only have a ………. if it is used in an utterance. For example, was going is in the past continuous ……, but it does not have a ………. unless we use it in an utterance (eg. I was going to Rome but now I’ve decided to go to Paris instead).

2. What part of speech will complete each blank in the following sentences? Complete each sentence with meaningful words.

  1. The boys … and … in the lunchroom.

  2. We found two … in the … .

  3. A … smile makes a … day.

  4. Go … the closet and bring me my oldest pair … shoes.

  5. Newspapers … magazines bring us news … help us understand it.

  6. The class waited …, and then the play … began.

3. Tell the part of speech of each italicized word in the following sentences and explain what the word does in the sentence.

  1. Did Slim slide into home plate?

  2. Ricky loves the slide.

  3. Do you have a slide projector?

  4. Is that a British stamp?

  5. How large is your stamp collection?

  6. Stampyour feet for warmth.

  7. Somecollies have short hair.

  8. Someare sheep dogs.

  9. Inkthe stamp pad carefully.

  10. A bottle of ink tipped over.

  11. There’s an ink spot on the rug.

  12. I usually fish in Long Lake.

  13. How many fish did you catch?

  14. Where’s the nearest fish market?

  15. The jar is on the top shelf.

  16. The top of the mountain was covered with snow.

4. What are the possible functions of the words in italics?

  1. I have given it to him.

  2. (a) How about using glue? (b) Let’s go.

  3. The water was heated to a temperature of 80C.

  4. You are coming tonight, aren’t you?

  5. I showed him the book so that he could help me to solve the problem.

  6. Do you think you couldfind time to look through this book?

  7. I am meeting him next Tuesday.

  8. It’s not something I have much experience in. Nevertheless I’ll do it for you.

  9. Thehouse is for sale now.

  10. Ithas been discussed many times before.

  11. I rang him yesterday at ten.

  12. He is always picking his nose.

5. What is the function of the expressions in italics?

1. A: Let’s go now. B: No way.

2. A: I’m sure their offer is a very fair one. B: No way.

3. A: Would you like to come in for a coffee? B: Thank you very much.

4. A: Press button A. B: Again?

5. A: You ought to get out more. B: Too true.

6. What do the following utterances have in common?

  1. I’m not quite sure I agree.

  2. You could be right but I think…

  3. That’s your opinion, is it?

  4. I would like to contest that point.

  5. I disagree.

  6. I don’t think it’s right …

  7. I’m not so sure I would go along with you there.

  8. Nonsense!

  9. That’s not true.

  10. I’d like to express my disagreement …

  11. That’s all very well but …

  12. On the contrary …

  13. No way.

  14. I don’t think I agree …

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