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12. Translate the following sentences.

  1. Премьер-министр сегодня сообщил, что экономико-политическая ситуация в стране улучшается, так как программа экономического развития, начатая пять лет назад, принесла ожидаемые результаты.

  2. Исследователи установили, что каждый день от пищевого отравления умирает от пяти до десяти человек.

  3. Она похвасталась, что на прошлой неделе ей подарили машину.

  4. Он потребовал, чтобы мы сообщили ему о нашем решении как можно скорее.

  5. В статье говорилось о том, что качество вина в северной части страны значительно улучшилось.

  6. Начальник производственного отдела предложил начать выпуск нового продукта в следующем месяце.

  7. На собеседовании ее спросили, может ли она предоставить рекомендации с предыдущего места работы.

  8. Ему сказали написать заявление о приеме на работу и заполнить листок по учету кадров.

  9. Глава проекта предупредил, что любая задержка может означать, что конкуренты обойдут нас.

  10. Главный бухгалтер уверял, что бюджет не будет урезан.

  11. Они поинтересовались, сколько времени нам нужно, чтобы уложиться в срок.

Communication Practice

1 Ask you partner the following questions making sure to take good notes. After you have finished the questions, find a new partner and report what you have learnt about your first partner using reported speech.

  • What is your favourite sport and how long have you been playing/doing it?

  • What are your plans for your next vacation?

  • How long have you known your best friend? Can you give me a description of him/her?

  • What kind of music do you like? Have you always listened to that kind of music?

  • What did you use to do when you were younger that you don't do anymore?

  • Do you have any predictions about the future?

  • Can you tell me what you do on a typical Saturday afternoon?

  • What were you doing yesterday at this time?

  • Which two promises will you make concerning learning English?

Writing Practice

Here is an extract from a meeting in which a company’s financial problems are being discussed. Complete the report of the meeting.

David: We face a serious problem and need to cut the company’s running costs by at least 15 per cent. If we don’t, then we may close down.

Kristine: If that is so, why don’t we look for areas where savings can be made?

Drew: I can’t agree that the budget should be cut down on. If it is, it will be extremely difficult for my department to meet the targets.

David: Yes, but please remember that if we do not make the savings, then there will be no targets to meet.

Drew: But if my budget is reduced, then there will e no products to sell. Unless we launch the new products? We’ll lose many customers. Then we’ll be in the same position as we were when we set our firm 7 years ago.

David: I realize that we face a serious problem. We do need to find a workable solution to get around it.

Reference Points

Usage of reporting verbs

verb object infinitive

verb infinitive

verb (that)

verb gerund

verb object preposition gerund

verb preposition gerund

advise encourage invite remind warn

agree decide offer promise refuse threaten

admit agree decide deny explain insist promise recommend suggest

deny recommend suggest

accuse blame congratulate

apologize insist

Examples: Jack encouraged me to look for a new job.

They invited all their friends to attend the presentation.

Examples: She offered to give him a lift to work.

My brother refused to take no for an answer.

Examples: Tom admitted (that) he had tried to leave early.

She agreed (that) we needed to reconsider our plans.

Examples: He denied having anything to do with her.

Ken suggested studying early in the morning.

Examples: They accused the boys of cheating on the exam.

She blamed her husband for missing the train.

Examples: He apologized for being late.

She insisted on doing the washing up.

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