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Английский для нефтяников.docx
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Two Technician Mud Logging Service

With this service, we provide the following:

  • one Computerized Mud Logging (1) _____ equipped with Digital Data Acquisition System, Total Gas and Chromatograph;

  • logging trailer (2)___ 24 hours each day. Two technicians rotate (3) _____ and each is responsible for keeping all records and reports updated and (4) _____ on a timely basis;

  • continuous monitoring of gases coming from the wellbore;

  • lithological (5) _____ and fluoroscopic examination of well (6) _____ caught at properly lagged intervals by the loggers;

  • Trip Gas Reports after each trip to help determine where gases are coming from;

  • Well Information Transfer Standard (WITS) Compliant;

  • updated mud logs and drilling/geological (7) _____ are e-mailed daily.

Remote Service Mud Logging

This service:

  • uses our standard digital mud logging (8) _____ and provides: Total Gas, Chromatographic Analysis and Drilling Time (in minutes per foot);

  • uses satellite technology to (9) ______ operate the unit;

  • has WITS (10) _____ i.e., gas readings can be viewed on Drilling Rig instrumentation;

  • includes experienced (11) _____ who monitor units at least every three hours;

  • includes a local technician directed by the central monitoring station;

  • guarantees efficient data dissemination, whether it is across the wellsite or across the continent;

  • enables clients, using Internet Explorer, to view 'zones of interest' as they are being drilled;

  • includes the option, at Operator's request, for one of our experienced staff to be at the wellsite when a (12) _____ is being drilled (additional charge).

Task 4. Use your knowledge and the information available in this unit to match the word or phrase to the correct definition. Give Russian equivalents:

Задание 4. Сопоставьте следующие слова и словосочетания с определениями, используя свои знания и материал урока. Дайте русские эквиваленты:

a) cased-hole logging, b) core, c) depth strip, d) lithologic log, e) openhole logging, f) rock sample, g) sidewall coring, j) sonde, k) wireline well log.

1. A physical description of the rocks through which the well is drilled.

2. A vertical scale of depth in the well.

3. A collection of cuttings which are examined for evidence of hydrocarbons.

4. A cylinder of rock drilled from the formation with special equipment.

5. An operation to take cuttings from a specific area of drilling, sometimes using explosive charges fired into the wall of the well.

6. Information gained by using an electric tool lowered into the well on a cable.

7. An electric tool used in wireline well logging.

8. Logging while the walls of the well are still bare.

9. Logging in wells in which casing has been cemented into the well.

Task 5. Underline the verbs which describe logging activities:

Задание 5. Подчеркните глаголы, которые описывают каротаж:

















Практическое занятие 23

Wireline Well Logging

Каротаж скважины с применением талевого каната

wireline вспомогательный канат, талевый канат

armoured cable армированный кабель

expandable arms распорки, кронштейн распорной колонки

bow-spring дугообразная пружина

kick вибрация бурового кабеля

resistivity удельное сопротивление

spontaneous potential естественный потенциал

conductivity проницаемость, проводимость

induction log диаграмма индукционного каротажа

gamma ray гамма-луч

neutron нейтрон

formation density плотность пласта

caliper кавернометр, нутромер

magnetometer магнитометр

Task 1. Read the text and answer the questions:

Задание 1. Прочитайте текст и ответьте на вопросы:

At various stages during drilling, the drillstring is raised from the hole and a sonde containing a number of different logging tools is lowered to the bottom. The sonde is attached to armoured cable and is reeled back up at a steady speed, transmitting data to the loggers on the surface. The sonde makes contact with the well sides as it ascends, by means of expandable arms or bow-springs, which also act as transmitters for the electrical, acoustic or radioactive properties being examined in the formation. The information is recorded in different tracks on the log, alongside the depth strip. Zones of interest are shown by kicks when the measurement moves from one side to the other.

1. What exactly is a sonde?

2. How does it work?

Task 2. Read and translate the text:

Задание 2. Прочитайте и переведите текст: