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Английский для нефтяников.docx
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Some Common Wireline Logs and their Uses

Name and abbreviation

Alternative name



Spontaneous Potential (SP)

Induction Log (IL)

Gamma Ray Log (GRL)

Neutron Porosity Log (NL)

Formation Density Log (FDL)

Caliper Log (CAL)

Alternatives to wireline logging

Task 4. Match up the two parts of each sentence to form complete and factually correct sentences:

Задание 4. Сопоставьте части предложений так, чтобы они имели смысл:

1 MWD is often used in directional drilling

a) and data is transmitted to the surface by fluid pulses in the drilling mud.

2 LWD provides an alternative to wire line drilling

b) showing the orientation of the drill bit.

3 Sensors are attached to the drill string just above the bit

с) because it acquires information about deviation and azimuth.

4 Using a magnetometer,

d) which automatically adjusts the direction of drilling as it goes along.

5 A horizontal well can be drilled with geosteering

e) the deviation of the well in relation to the earth's magnetic field can be measured.

6 A directional log is recorded

f) as a means of getting information about rock and fluids properties, such as resistivity, porosity and radioactivity.

Task 5. Make a comparison between mud logging and wireline well logging.

Задание 5. Сравните каротаж скважины с применением анализа проб бурового раствора и каротаж с применением талевого каната.

Практическое занятие 24

Anatomy of an Oilfield

Анатомия нефтяного месторождения

basement геологический фундамент

impinge сталкиваться, натыкаться

enhance улучшать

lime известь

evaporitic испаряющийся

anhydrite безводная сернокислая известь, сульфат кальция (CaSO4)

inaccessible недоступный, недосягаемый

fossils окаменелости, ископаемые остатки

landmark наземный ориентир

salinity минерализация, соленость

infrastructure инфраструктура

grains of sand песчинки

dense плотный

Task 1. Read a geological description of one of the world's major oilfields and answer the questions:

Задание 1. Прочитайте геологическое описание одного из самых больших в мире месторождений нефти и ответьте на вопросы:

Ghawar is an oilfield in Saudi Arabia. It is located about 100 km (62 miles) WSW from the city of Dhahran in Al-Ahsa county of the Eastern Province. Measuring 280 km x 30 km (170 miles x 19 miles), it is by far the largest conventional oilfield in the world. The field is entirely owned and operated by Saudi Aramco, the nationalized Saudi oil company.

Ghawar occupies an anticline above a basement fault block dating to Carboniferous time, about 320 million years ago; Cretaceous tectonic activity, as the north-east margin of Africa began to impinge on south-west Asia, enhanced the structure. Reservoir rocks are Jurassic Arab-D limestones with exceptional porosity (as much as 35% of the rock in places), sourced from the Jurassic Hanifa formation, a marine shelf deposit of mud and lime with as much as 5% organic material (1% to 2% is considered good oil source rock). The seal is an evaporitic package of rocks including impermeable anhydrite.

1. Which geological period does the oilfield date from?

2. What kind of trap has created the reservoir?

3. Describe the type, source and features of the reservoir rocks.

Task 2. Read and translate the text. Discuss the questions:

Задание 2. Прочитайте и переведите текст. Обсудите вопросы: