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дом.читання част.2.doc
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2. Use one of the words or word combinations from the box in an appropriate form to fill each gap.

blotches sentenced sobs exultation mortification scruff revengeful pledge grim temples

  1. Tears of … ran down his red, fat face.

  2. His face and hands were covered with little red … where mosquitoes had bitten him and he had scratched himself till the blood came.

  3. “I am holding back his wages as a … of his good behaviour.”

  4. The Malays are very sensitive to injury and ridicule. They are passionate and … .

  5. Painful … tore his chest and heavy tears rolled down his thin cheeks.

  6. They fought a … and silent battle with one another.

  7. Cooper accused the boy Abas of stealing some of his clothes, and when the boy denied the theft took him by the … of the neck and kicked him down the steps of the bungalow.

  8. Anger, furious anger welled up suddenly in Mr. Warburton’s heart, so that the veins on his … stood out and he clenched his fists.

  9. Mr. Warburton started, but not because he had not expected to see just a sight, he started because he felt in himself a sudden glow of … .

  10. Abas will be … to a term of imprisonment.

3. Match up the synonyms. Consult the dictionary.

1) animosity

a) indulgence

2) misery

b) neighbouring

3) tolerance

c) enmity

4) misfortune

d) giggle

5) rude

e) violent

6) angry

f) agony

7) sensitive

g) brutal

8) chuckle

h) failure

9) grim

i) furious

10) adjoining

j) impressionable

4. Match up the antonyms. Consult the dictionary.

1) passionate

a) respectful

2) contemptuous

b) praise

3) cheerless

c) pleasant

4) animosity

d) impassive

5) rebuke

e) unfairness

6) hideous

f) merry

7) afraid

g) annoyance

8) exultation

h) disgusting

9) justice

i) favour

10) delicious

j) brave

Grammar Tasks

1. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form.

  1. And if it … (to come) to blows Cooper could … (to thrash) him.

  2. Of course if you … (to insist) I … (to put) the matter up to the Sultan.

  3. If the tuan … (to continue) to use him ill there … (to be) a misfortune.

  4. That boy Abas is a dirty, thieving rascal, and if he … (to try) any monkey tricks on me, by God, I … (to wring) his bloody neck.

  5. If he … (to see) him in the compound in an hour he … (to hand) him over to the police.

  6. If he … (to put) his back up nothing like this (to happen).

  7. It … (to serve) him damned well right if he … (to get) a kris in his back.

  8. Mr. Warburton … (to look) upon it as a very great favour if Cooper could … (to transfer) to another post.

2. Choose the correct word.

  1. But his hatred for/to/into them was nothing compared on/with/from his hared for/to/into Cooper.

  2. Cooper did his work very well, he said, but the fact was that he couldn’t get on/up/off with him.

  3. He dispatched the letter next morning with/by/at special messenger.

  4. His face and hands were covered with/by/at little red blotches where mosquitoes had bitten him and he had scratched himself till/since/for the blood came.

  5. I must insist of/at/on your paying what is due for/to/on him.

  6. Cooper accused the boy Abas of stealing some of his clothes.

  7. If he saw him in/on/at the compound after/in/before an hour he would hand him over/out of/after to the police.

  8. Anger, furious anger welled up/down/away suddenly on/in/at Mr. Warburton’s heart, so that the veins on/in/at his temples stood off/out/back and he clenched his fists.

  9. Mr. Warburton took the kris out of/from/off the wound, it had been thrust in/on/at with such force that he had to use an effort to get it out/away/aside, and looked on/at/in it.

  10. Abas will be sentenced for/from/to a term of/at/to imprisonment.