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дом.читання част.2.doc
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2. Use one of the words or word combinations from the box in an appropriate form to fill each gap.

marquee amiabilities desperation incipient overcast hostility funeral quiver interloper squatting

    1. Ferris had come from Paris to his father’s … which had taken place the week before in his home town in Georgia.

    2. His [Ferris’s] hair was receding and the veins in his naked temples were pulsing and prominent and his body was spare except for an … belly bulge.

    3. He [Ferris] could not understand the wild … of his heart, nor the following sense of recklessness and grace that lingered after she was gone.

    4. The place was a building with a … and a doorman, and the apartment was on the seventh floor.

    5. Ferris felt himself suddenly a spectator – an … among these Baileys.

    6. Billy’s everlasting eyes – perplexed and with a glimmer of … – reminded Ferris of the gaze of another child.

    7. Her [Elizabeth’s] readiness to perform when asked had always been one of her … ; she never hung back, apologized.

    8. Even after Ferris was seated at the table between his host and hostess, the unfinished music still … his mood.

    9. Valentin returned to a drawing, … with his crayons over the paper on the floor.

    10. With inner … he pressed the child close – as though an emotion as protean as his love could dominate the pulse of time.

3. Translate the underlined words and explain the meaning of prefixes and suffixes in them.

  1. Rome it was this morning in the yearless region of dreams.

  2. He had the feeling that something unpleasant was awaiting him.

  3. Ferris had loved his father and the bond between them had once been extraordinarily close – but the years had somehow unraveled this filial devotion; the death, expected for a long time, had left him with an unforeseen dismay.

  4. He [Ferris] turned the pages with growing attentiveness.

  5. He could not understand the wild quiver of his heart, nor the following sense of recklessness and grace that lingered after she was gone.

  6. She turned at the next corner and Ferris followed, although by now his intention to overtake her had disappeared.

  7. It was eight years since Ferris had last seen his ex-wife.

  8. The number was under Bailey, the husband’s name, and he called before he had much time for self-debate.

  9. “I’m awfully glad you could come.”

  10. It was a madonna loveliness, dependent on the family ambiance.

  11. “I came home unexpectedly.”

  12. Now as she approached the piano there was the added readiness of relief.

  13. The principal melody was woven with two other voices, embellished with countless ingenuities.

  14. The ocean was milky pale and placid beneath the clouds.

  15. He thought of Elizabeth among her family with longing gentle envy and inexplicable regret.

Grammar Tasks

1. Change the following sentences from the story:

A into direct speech

  1. He explained he was only in town for that day.

  2. Ferris asked permission to pour himself another drink.

  3. He had promised they would go to the guignol another afternoon.

  4. Ferris thanked Elizabeth for the birthday dinner and said the appropriate good-byes.

B into indirect speech

  1. “I’m Bill Bailey. Glad to see you. Elizabeth will be in, in a minute. She’s finishing dressing,” a red-haired man said.

  2. “This is our apartment,” the child said politely. “Aren’t you Mr. Ferris? I’m Billy. Come in.”

  3. “Mr. Ferris is flying all the way across the ocean tomorrow,” Bailey said to the little boy.

  4. Bailey said, “I thought you wanted to be a doctor.”

  5. “Oh, John!” she said. “It’s grand to see you. I’m awfully glad you could come.”

  6. “You’ve hardly changed at all,” Elizabeth said, “but it has been a long time.”

  7. Ferris said “I just had this day in town. I came home unexpectedly. You see, Papa died last week.”

  8. “Oh, I’m so sorry, John. Papa Ferris was always one of my favourite people,” Elizabeth said.

  9. “You can come in afterwards for the cake,” Elizabeth said. “Run along now with Daddy for your supper.”

  10. “Do you still play as beautifully as you used to?” Ferris asked.

  11. Ferris said “I first knew Jeannine last autumn – about this time of the year – in Italy. She’s a singer and she had an engagement in Rome. I expect we will be married soon.”

  12. Already Elizabeth was saying: “This really makes me glad to know. Congratulations, Johnny.”

  13. “Happy birthday, John,” Elizabeth said. “Blow out the candles.”