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2. Find mistakes in the sentences below.

  1. Father was in the army all though the war – the first war, I mean.

  2. In fact, I rather liked his visits, though it was an uncomfortable squeeze between Mother and him when I got into the big bad in the early morning.

  3. There was a bite of the magpie about Father; he expected everything to come in handy.

  4. I always woke with the first light and, with all the responsibilities of the previous day melted, filling myself rather like the sun, ready to illumine and rejoice.

  5. I put my feet out from under the clothes – I called them Mrs. Left and Mrs. Right – and invented dramatic situation for them in witch they discussed the problems of the day.

  6. By this time, though I never seem to have noticed it, I was petrified in my nightshirt, and I thawed as I talked until, the last frost melted, I fell asleep besides her and woke again only when I heard her below in the kitchen, making the breakfast.

  7. “Do be quite, Larry!” she said impatiently.

  8. Father and I had quiet different notions of a work in town.

  9. He had no proper interest in trams, sheeps, and horses, and the only thing that seemed to divert him was talking to fellows as old as himself.

  10. “Because there isn’t a war any longer, deer.”

3. Fill in the blanks with the appropriate forms of adjectives and adverbs.

  1. She didn’t seem to think so … (highly) of them as he did.

  2. The war was the … (peaceful) period of my life.

  3. Life never seemed so … (simple) and … (clear) and full of possibilities as then.

  4. I saw nothing to be pleased about, because, out of uniform, Father was altogether … (interesting), but she only beamed.

  5. This was a new development, which threatened to be even … (serious) than “talking to Daddy.”

  6. “Oh!” I said lightly. Then in my … (winning) tone: “Do you know where I want to go with you today, Mummy?”

  7. Every time I had pointed out to her the waste of making two beds when we could both sleep in one, she had told me it was … (healthy) like that, and now here was this man, this stranger, sleeping with her without the … (little) regard for her health!

Reading Comprehension and Discussion Tasks

1. Answer the questions:

  1. How often did the boy see his father during the war?

  2. In what manner did his father come and leave?

  3. What did he bring each time?

  4. Why did the author call the man “a bit of the magpie”?

  5. What was the boy’s usual morning?

  6. Who were Mrs. Left and Mrs. Right?

  7. Was the boy’s father brought safely home one day?

  8. Did father and son have quite different notions of a walk in town?

  9. Why did the boy decide to compete with his father for mother’s attention?

  10. What happened next morning after father’s coming home?

2. Discuss the following:

1. Why did the boy wanted his father to be sent back to war?

2. How would you behave and in what way would you act if you were boy’s father/ mother?

P. 282-291


Pre-reading Tasks

1. Practise the pronunciation of the words from the story. When in doubt refer to the dictionary:

suspicious, featherbed, climbed, injustice, privileges, obscene, jealous, alleged, regimental, scowl, accent, obnoxious, guffaw, appalling, hullabaloo, solemn, poisonous, magnanimous, bawled.

Vocabulary Tasks

1. Find in the story the English for:

турбувати бідного татуся; жебрати; суцільний круг навколо ліжка; перечепитися через щось; пригадати свою обіцянку; тепло та глибина теплого ліжка з периною; схопити міцно за руку; сказати з рішучістю; це приголомшило її; непослідовність і нерозсудливість; охоплений панікою; заверещати; це просто звичка; маленькі злобні темні очі; вирватися і кинутися у найдальший кут; дивитися недовірливо; горлати не тямлячи себе; огризатися; брудні слова; від цих слів у мене закипіла кров; репетувати істерично; невинне заступництво; її серце краялося між нами; вона заслуговувала на це; моє життя перетворилося на пекло; влаштовувати жахливу сцену; йому вдалося віддалити мати і мене одне від одного; шумно пити чай; реготати; я був безкінечно радий цьому; він вимагав дуже багато уваги; товариш був із нього ніякий; ходити навшпиньках навкруги будинку; то була абсолютна брехня; бачити когось наскрізь; тепер настала його черга; мати тепер не звертала увагу ні на кого; мені було дуже шкода батька; навіть у цьому віці я був дуже великодушний; кістлявий.