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Creating a Sequenced Synthesizer

Making the Synth Sequencer Work

Fig. 5.4 Inserting SoundSchool Analog into your Ensemble

5.3Making the Synth Sequencer Work

We will need to do some wiring and make a MIDI connection from Monoliner to Sound­ school Analog.

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Creating a Sequenced Synthesizer

Making the Synth Sequencer Work

5.3.1Overview of the Structure

Once loaded, your Structure should look something like this:

Fig. 5.5 Ensemble Structure with Monoliner and ANALOG

We can see the Monoliner and ANALOG Instruments and also the default empty Instru­ ment, which is connected to the Audio In and the Audio Out Terminals. Let’s remove the unwanted Instrument from the Structure.

5.3.2Removing the Unwanted Instrument

Right-click on Windows® ([Ctrl]+click on Mac OS® X) on top of the Instrument and choose the Delete menu entry from the context menu.

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Creating a Sequenced Synthesizer

Making the Synth Sequencer Work

Fig. 5.6 Deleting an Instrument using the context menu

Whilst we are here, let’s connect the L and R Outputs from the ANALOG Synth to the In­ puts of the Audio Out Terminals 1 and 2, respectively.

5.3.3Connecting ANALOG Outputs to the Audio Out

You might remember we did this when we connected the Junatik Synth to the SpaceMas­ ter Reverb.

1.Click and drag—so you get a visible wire—from the L (or black dot beside it) towards the Input of the first Audio Out Terminal or black dot beside it—and let go. A connec­ tion will be made.

2.Repeat the same procedure for the R Output and Audio Out Terminal 2.

Your Structure should look like this:

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Creating a Sequenced Synthesizer

Making the Synth Sequencer Work

Fig. 5.7 ANALOG with its audio outputs connected.

As you can see, we are keeping the Master Instrument, because it has a useful Master Lev­ el Fader. Now we will have a look at the two Instruments in the Ensemble Panel.

5.3.4Overview of Monoliner and ANALOG

To go to the Panel View of your Ensemble, press the Panel button.

Fig. 5.8 The Panel button

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