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Make a Sampler Using REAKTOR Modules

Building the Basic Structure

Fig. 8.1 The Finished Sampler

8.3Building the Basic Structure

We will start in much the same way as when we built our Synth. So we need to start off by creating a New Ensemble.

8.3.1Load up a New Ensemble

Press the Menu button and choose the File > New Ensemble menu entry.

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Make a Sampler Using REAKTOR Modules

Building the Basic Structure

Fig. 8.2 Creating a new Ensemble

On this occasion we will use the default Stereo In/Stereo Out Instrument. This gives us the option of changing our Sampler at a later stage to one with left and right outputs.

8.3.2Inserting the First Modules

We will now insert the Sampler Module along with Pitch and Gate Modules.

1.Go to the Ensemble Structure by clicking on the Structure button.

2.If you remember, double-clicking on the Instrument in the Ensemble Structure will open it, ready for inserting some Modules.

3.In Windows®, right-click (in Mac OS® X [Ctrl]+click) on a space inside the Instru­ ment Structure and choose the Built-In Module > Sampler > Sampler menu entry.

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Make a Sampler Using REAKTOR Modules

Building the Basic Structure

4.Next insert the NotePitch and Gate Modules. If you remember, we did this when we built our Synth. So choose the Built-In Module > MIDI In > NotePitch menu entry

and then from the same place in the Structure context menu the Built-In Module > MIDI In > Gate menu entry.

Your Structure should look something like this:

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Make a Sampler Using REAKTOR Modules

Building the Basic Structure

8.3.3Inserting the Envelope

Next we will insert an ADSR Envelope and controls for Attack, Decay, Sustain and Re­ lease.

In Windows®, right-click (in Mac OS® X [Ctrl]+click) on a space inside the Instrument Structure and choose the Built-In Module > LFO, Envelope > ADSR menu entry.

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