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Make a Sampler Using REAKTOR Modules

Adding More Samples and Changing their Settings

Your Instrument Panel should look something like this:

Fig. 8.9 Panel tidied up

8.7Adding More Samples and Changing their Settings

If you remember, the idea of this Sampler is to map different sample loops to different keys. So we need to make changes to the Sample Map and add more samples. We will need to reopen the Sample Map Editor to do this.

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Make a Sampler Using REAKTOR Modules

Adding More Samples and Changing their Settings

8.7.1Double-clicking on the Waveform to Open the Sample Map

Now we have tidied the appearance in the Instrument Panel, we can double-click on the sample waveform to open the Sample Map Editor.

8.7.2Changing the Settings of the Existing Sample

Before we add more samples, we need to make some changes to the existing sample. The idea is that we will map our samples to the white MIDI Keys starting on MIDI Note 48.

So first of all we need to make sure that our sample will playback correctly on MIDI Note 48. We also want the sample to just play back on that note.

8.7.3Making Changes to the Key-Split and Root Key

1.We want our sample to playback at its correct pitch when MIDI Note 48 is played. The first thing to change is the Root Note—currently at 60—to 48. Double-click the entry in the Root column and type in the new value.

2.Since we only want the sample to playback on that key, you need to activate the Sin­ gle Key Mode. To do this, select the Single Key Mode menu entry from the Edit dropdown menu.

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Make a Sampler Using REAKTOR Modules

Adding More Samples and Changing their Settings

3.Now you can change the L and R Key-Split mapping to 48. Highlight a Sample, dou­ ble-click on one of the entries in the corresponding row and columns (L or R) and then type in the new value. Press [Enter] on your computer keyboard when you are finished.

The sample will only play back on MIDI Note 48 at its correct Pitch.

Fig. 8.10 Remapping the Sample

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