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Unit 7 cooking text

You can prepare better food if you know what goes in the food you are preparing and why things happen as they do. Foods change physically and chemically during cooking. If you know their composition and structure you can control these changes and have superior products from your efforts. Protein, fats and carbohydrates are your major allies (and may be problems) in cooking. Proteins help emulsify, thicken, and bind together other food materials. Fats give flavour and richness to foods they are added (baked products, salad dressings, etc.) They are used to cook or to fry foods and to add tenderness to bread, cakes and pastry. Carbohydrates have a part in thickening, tenderizing, or sweeting cakes, breads, ice cream and other foods.

For cooking heat is usually applied. It occurs in one of three ways: a) directly, with or without fat - in roasting, grilling and baking; b) with water - in boiling, stewing and braising; c) with fat - frying.

Heat causes physical and chemical changes in food. It makes the flavour, palatability and digestibility of the raw product more acceptable and may improve its keeping quality. But cooking more usually results in the loss of nutrients, this being the greatest at high temperatures, with long cooking times, or if an excessive amount of liquid is used.

These losses are not of great importance if good mixed diet is eaten, but it is desirable that the losses are kept to a minimum. The losses of soluble vitamins and minerals are reduced if meat juices and water are used in gravies, for example.

The effects of microwaves and infra-red cooking on nutrients are similar to the effects of the more traditional methods they replace. When used for the re-heating, they cause additional destruction of nutrients.

Vocabulary notes




raw product

keeping quality

not of great importance

sood mixed diet


— помічник

— жирність

— легкотравність

— сировина

— якість зберігання

— не мас великого значення

— добре збалансоване харчування

— розчинний

І. Phonetic exercises

Ex. 1.Transcribe the following words and word-combinations. Consult a dictionary:

change, control, product, major, allies, protein, emulsify, bind materials, flavour, pastry, occur, amount, microwaves, vitamins, method .

Ex. 2. Mark the stresses in the following words:

prepare, physically, composition, structure, superior, carbohydrate, readiness, tenderness, roasting, excessive, palatability, importance, temperature, nutrients, traditional.

II. Vocabulary and Grammar exercises

Ex. 1. Give Ukrainian equivalents to the following words and word-combinations:

change physically and chemically, composition and structure, superior product, major allies, bind, flavour, richness, occur, fry, add, apply, boiling, stewing, cause, keep quality, loss of nutrients, be of great importance, desirable, soluble vitamins.

Ex. 2. Give English equivalents to the following words and word-combinations:

поживні речовини, білки, жири (тверді та рідкі), вуглеводи, мінеральні речовини, смак, жирність, зустрічатися (syn. to be found), м'якість, хлібобулочні, кондитерські вироби, застосовувати, прийнятий. аромат та приємний смак, поліпшувати, надмір чогось, бажано, викликати (мати наслідки), харчова цінність, сировина, втрати поживних речовин.

Ех. 3. Form Past form from the following verbs and use them in the sentences of your own:

prepare, cook, change, give, tenderise, apply, improve, mix, reduce, use, replace, can, fry, have, make, bind.

Ex. 4. Say from what verbs these nouns are:













