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Vocabulary notes




сlove of garlic



keep aside (v)

peel (v)


halve (v)

top, cover (v)

pour (v)

bake (v)


— відбивна

— шматочок

— середній

— зубець часнику

— шинка

— рівний, однаковий

— відставляти на бік

— чистити

— дно

— ділити навпіл

— накривати

— лити

— запікати

— зайвий


Ех. 1. Give Ukrainian equivalents for:

chop, frying pan, bottom, garlic, bake, ham, pepper, remove, oven, sprinkle, fat,

equal, slice, wine, inch, to top.

Ex. 2. Give English equivalents for:

відбивна, перець, шинка, накривати, однаковий, запікати, сковорода, дно, відставити в бік, крапати, золотистий.

Ех. 3. Translate from Ukrainian into English:

1. Нагрійте жир на великій сковорідці на слабкому вогні.

2. Почистити та нарізати цибулю.

3. Почистити картоплю та розрізати на шматочки.

4. Покладіть половину картоплі на дно сковороди.

5. Розрізати кожний шматочок шинки на 4 рівні порції.

6. Посипте сіллю та перцем і полийте зверху вином.

7. Заберіть відбивні та відставте сковороду.

Ех. 4. Translate from English into Ukrainian:

1. Wipe the chops with a damp cloth.

2. Slowly heat fat in a large frying pan.

3. Remove chops and keep aside.

4. Peel and slice onions too.

5. Place a slice of garlic on each chop.

6. Sprinkle salt and pepper and pour wine over the top.

Ex. 5. Retell the text.

Fresh salad

A salad can be decorative and appetising if you use vegetables of different colours, red, green and white.

Salad leaves, cucumber, boiled peas and boiled trench beans can give it a refreshing green colour. Add tomatoes cut in thin rounds or whole tomatoes stuffed with boiled peas and potatoes: carrots cut into thin rounds or boiled and mashed: beetroot sliced; small radishes cut into two and placed red side up.

Boiled eggs and potatoes dipped in mayonnaise sauce; horse radish and turnips cut in thin rounds, are also appetising in salads. Season with salt and pepper and sprinkle with lemon juice.

Vocabulary notes



french beans


stuff (v)


dip (v)

horse radish


— смачний, апетитний

— освіжаючий

— французькі боби

— додавати

— фарширувати

— відварений

— умочати

— хрін

— ріпа

Ех. 1. Answer the following questions:

1. How can you do a salad more decorative and appetising?

2. What can give a refreshing green colour to salad?

3. What vegetables can we add to a salad?

4. How must we place radishes to a salad?

5. How can we season a salad?

6. What must we sprinkle a salad with?

Ex. 2 What other recipes of salads do you know?

Apple and pineapple turban

The Apple and Pineapple Turban is quite complicated and has two stages of preparation: the fruit filling is prepared first while the sauce is cooked just before serving. The end results are well worth it though! The ingredients used are very fresh, but if you don't like butter you could substitute it with thick cream. The dish is very sweet, so adding some squeezed lemon juice is suggested. Some semisweet white wine to go with it would be a great idea.