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Active Vocabulary






deposit (тут)

carving table

coal range


supplement (v)


tend (v)






rack (n)


— забеспечувати постійним прибутком

— устаткування

— схема, план

— просторий

— добре освітлений

— класти, покласти

— робочий стіл

— кухонна плита, що опалюється вуглем

— посуд, приладдя

— супроводжувати

— прилади

— мати тенденцію

— піч, плита

— смиття, викиди

— молоти, перемелювати

— відходи, відпрацьований бруд

— приносити, виробляти

— підставка, полиця

— м’ясорубка

І. Phonetic Exercises

Ex. 1. Transcribe the following words, using a dictionary. Pay special attention to stresses:

production, quality, endow, appliances, management, expectation, particularly, interference, commodious, deposit, area, equipment, utensils, casseroles, description, supplemented, gadget, mincer, mixers, labour-saving, providing, licensed, available, shortage, mechanization, micro-wave oven, dehydrated, garbage.

II. Vocabulary and Grammar exercises

Ex. 1. Give Ukrainian equivalents to the following words and word-combinations:

production unit, food cost and quality, in order to, cooking area, well-lit, deposit the plates, carving table, washing-up area, coal range, time-saving gadgets, slicer, mincers, frying pan, labour-saving kilchen, provide, snack, steam-pressure cookers, garbage, grinding machine, racks and shelves, shortage, price acceptable, reasonable profit, management's expectation.

Ex. 2. Give English equivalents to the corresponding words and word-combinations:

ціна та якість їжі. необхідне устаткування та штат, добре сплановане приміщення кухні, помічник офіціанта, стіл для брудного посуду. підігрівати посуд, звичайний асортимент, мийка, функціональна економічна кухня, кваліфікований штат, механізація та автоматизація, мікрохвильова піч, робітник кухні

Ех. 3. find the following words and phrases in the text and translate the sentences containing them into Ukrainian:

production unit, chiefs main concerns, kitchen lay out, well-lit cooking area, pass round service area, equipment of the cooking area, regular assortment, functional, labour-saving kitchen, available. complete revolution, new types of garbage, produce, food at a price acceptable, deposit the used plates and dishes.

Ex. 4. Make these sentences negative and interrogative:

1. The kitchen must produce the best food at the lowest price.

2. The kitchen layout has been particularly well planned.

3. The commis waiter finds the table for «dirties» on his left.

4. The service area is fitted with an electric griller.

5. On the racks and shelves of the area you have all necessary utensils.

6. This is indeed a functional, labour-saving kitchen.

7. lt provides snacks for the coffee-shops.

8. Automation and mechanization tend to be the rule nowadays.

9. The cook can work in the commodious, well-lit cooking area

III. Speech Exercises

Ex. 1. Answer the following questions:

1. What is a kitchen?

2. What is its main goal?

3. What are the chef's main concerns?

4. Under what conditions can the cooks work in the kitchen?

5. What are the commis duties in the kitchen?

6. Decribe the service area of the kitchen?

7. In which way should be the modern cooking area equipped?

8. Why do we call such an area as a functional, labour-saving kitchen?

9. What are the main features of nowadays kitchen?

10. What is the common aim of all the efforts of kitchen staff?

Ex 2. Retell the text