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Vocabulary notes

show the table

— привести до столика


— особливість


— “коронна” страва ресторану


— шеф-кухар

be proud of

— пишатися чимось

ancient ways of

— старовинні методи приготування


— їжі

according to = in

— згідно з чимось

accordance with

— самообслуговування


— обслуговування клієнта за столиком


deposit (v) (syn. to place)

— покласти

current trend

— сучасні напрямки


— рахунок


— здача

tip (v)

— давати на чай


— вдячність


— зручності

Phonetic Exercises

Ex. 1. Read and transcribe the following words.

Pay attention to the stresses:

customer, receipted, appreciation, additional, amenities, luxury, excellent, establishment, derive, cookery, specialties, functions, recognized, deposit, starter, traditional.

II. Vocabulary and Grammar exercises

Ex. 1. Find the following words and phrases in the text and translate the sentences containing them into Ukrainian:

much attention should be paid, offer, propose, the ancient ways of cooking, preserve, reservation, closing hours, it is recognized, vary, manipulate, silver service, luxury restaurants, different sorts of additional service.

Ex. 2. Give English equivalents to the following words and word-combinations:

давати на чай, резервувати місце в ресторані, додатковий сервіс, особливі страви, сплачувати по рахунку, ресторанні зручності, час відкриття та зачинання ресторану, закуски, ціна страв, пропонувати меню, сучасні напрямки в обслуговуванні, стародавні методи приготування їжі, швидкий та економний сервіс.

Ex. 3. Give the verbs corresponding to the following nouns:













III. Speech Exercises

Ex.1. Answer the following questions:

1. What is a menu?

2. What is the peculiarity of the menu at luxury restaurants?

3. What does the word "special" mean?

4. What is the origin of the "plate-service" name?

5. What is the difference between "silver-service" and "plate-service"?

6. What modern trends in restaurant service do you know'?

7. Have you ever tipped anybody? What for?

8. What other services (except food and drinks) may the restaurant provide?

Ex. 2. Make up a short plan and retell the text.

Ex. 3. Imagine that you are going to open a new restaurant. Compose a check list for deciding:

- the kind of restaurant;

- its opening and closing hours;

- the kinds of menus and prices;

- its location;

- its services and amenities.

Unit 2 text at the restaurant

The origin of the word "restaurant" comes back to the 16th century. At that time in France a popular soup was called "restaurant" because it was supposed to have restorative properties. A chef who served this particular soup had the word printed above the door of this eating house and gradually the word acquired its present connotation.

Nowadays saying "restaurant" we consider a selling unit being run at a profit: all offered facilities and services lead guests to making orders and, as a result, substantial takings.

The basic elements of sound catering are good food and drinks but decor and service play an important part.

Decor ("which may include subdued lights, soft carpets and settees, crystal chandeliers, red velvet and brocade, etc.) helps to create the right atmosphere and refined surroundings for attracting customers.

The art of service can be defined as “the capacity to make customers feel at ease arrival, at home while they are here, and sorry to leave”. Attentive, smooth and courteous service keeps the reputation of the establishments and allow to enjoy good cooking and good wines fully.

Before the serving of meal a number of preparations have to be carried out. The cleaning of the dining-room (sweeping the floors, dusting the furniture, polishing mirrors, silver), the changing of linen, the re-stocking of side-boards, the sharpening of knives take place before laying the table.

Laying the table begins an hour or so before meal-time. The assistant waiters first lay a cloth on each table, then the cutlery (including the right assortment of knives, spoons and forks). Table silver should be arranged in the order in which it is to be used, starting from the outside and going towards the plate. In other words the order of laying should be:

Table d'hote Table a la carte

Napkin fish plate (centre of cover)

Joint knife fish knife

Fish knife fish fork

Soup spoon sideplate

Joint fork side knife

Fish fork napkin

Sweet fork Paris goblet

Sweet spoon


Side knife

Paris goblet

After the above covers been laid, the table lay-up should be completed by the addition of the following items:

* a salt cellar

* pepper castor

* cruets

* ashtrays

* table numbers

* table decorations

It is a civilized pleasure to take friends to dine out at such places, to have a nice party, to enjoy themselves at leisure.