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Some dishes of American cookery pot roast and mashed potatoes

If everyone knew how to cook, he would be sure to eat when and what he wanted. Cook books issueing American publishing houses should serve the same end: better, more flexible eating. These books show the variety and sophistication of modern American cookery. Some years ago the U.S. was stuck in the pot-roast and mashed potato syndrome.

The earlier version has only one straight forward recipe for pot-roast and for mashed potatoes. And what about the new American cuisine with all the flavours and delicacy?

How can one do it in the kitchen?

First of all it must be «pot-roast paste»

Yes, you make this pot roast, that sounds delicious, but then you chop it all up

and with its juices spoon it over a pound with its juices of penne. The old pot-roast is now actually a «stracotto».

Here is recipe of the paste.

Three listing: the basic one, with sour cream, one that has a whole head of cooked garlic: and one that is half potatoes and half parsnips. Representing the new American cuisine this dish is practiced in imaginative restaurants across the country.



serve the same end

flaxible eating


mashed potatoes




roast potatoes



pound of penne

— тушкована яловичина

— мати за мету

— різноманітне харчування

— вишуканий

— пюре з картоплі

— аромат, смак

— часник

— пастернак

— смажена картопля

— строкото (італійська назва паштету з картоплі)

— чудовий, смачний

— однорідна маса


Ex. 1. Give Ukrainian equivalents for:

flexible eating, variety, sophistication, cookery, mashed-potato, pot-roast, recipe, cuisine, flavour, delicacy, paste.

Ex. 2. Give English equivalents for:

сучасна американська кухня, смачний, вишуканий, прокручувати через м'ясорубку, паштет, перемішувати, ціла головка часнику, пастернак, використання.

Ех. 3. Translate into English:

1. Людина повинна вміти готувати. Від цього залежить її харчування.

2. Американцям допомагають у цьому кулінарні книжки.

3. Не так давно майже усі американці захопилися приготуванням страв із картоплі та тушкованої яловичини.

4. Сучасні американські кулінари пропонують нові страви: картопляний паштет з тушкованою яловичиною.

5. Його готують в усіх ресторанах країни, а також у домашніх умовах.

Ех. 4. Answer the following questions:

1. In what way do the American cookbooks serve people in modern cookery?

2. What was the earliest version of potato-cooking?

3. Is “pot-roast paste” a basic dish of modern American cuisine?

4. How can we convert old pot-roast into actually stracotto?

5. What are the main components of "pot-roast paste"?

6. Where is this dish practiced in America?

Oriental style dishes

Americans loved and have known Sarabeth for years - and love having breakfast in Sarabeths kitchen - which turns out to be scrambled eggs with cream cheese and smoked salmon. It’s very popular in the U.S. to blend oriental flavours with American cooking techniques thus preserving the flavours of the East but eliminating many of the steps required in traditional Hasten recipes. Even the oriental flavourings are now fairly common grocery - store items in the U.S.

Pan-fried chicken is a good example of such cooking. Chicken breasts are sauteed in regular skillet, then drenched in a delicious sauce composed of the usual Chinese suspect, oyster, bean, sherry, ginger, garlic, chill sauce and pepper corns. The notion of serving these oriental style dishes is along with western foods in this case with steamed carrot in parsley butter.