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14. Relate the stages of research. Расскажите об этапах научно-исследовательской работы.

For the success of scientific research it is necessary to organize, plan and execute in sequence. These plans and sequence of actions depend on the type, the object and purpose of scientific research. So, if it is held on technical topics, the first major developed preplanning document - a feasibility study, and then carried out theoretical and experimental studies, compiled scientific and technical report and the results of introduced into production. Stages of research:

1) preparation;

2) theoretical and empirical research;

3) Work on the manuscript and its design;

4) implementation of the results of scientific research. It seems necessary first give a general characterization of each stage of the research, and then a closer look at those who are important to perform research students.

Preparatory stage includes: choice of topic; justification for the research on it, the definition of hypotheses, goals and objectives of the research, development plan or program of research, preparation of research tools (instruments).

Theoretical and empirical research stage consists of a systematic study of the literature on the topic, statistics and archival materials of theoretical and empirical research, including the collection processing, compilation and analysis of data; explaining new scientific facts, reasoning and formulating positions, conclusions and practical recommendations and suggestions.

The third stage includes: definition of composition (build internal structure) work; refinement titles, names of chapters and sections, preparation of the draft manuscript and its editing, formatted text, including the list of references and applications.

The fourth stage consists of the implementation of research results into practice and design supervision introduced developments. Scientific studies are not always completed this stage, but sometimes the scientific work of students (eg, theses) are recommended for

15. Relate the correct organization of research work. Расскажите о правильной организации научно-исследовательской работы.

The research work of students is now a part of the learning process in all the higher educational institutions of the Republic of Kazakhstan

Proper organization of research work of students a great opportunity to improve the quality of higher education and the formation of professional competence of bachelors

An important role in the success of scientific research plays a proper organization of scientific work, and timely sources of financing for research work

The main objectives of the research training are expanding, deepening, systematization of knowledge and obtain the necessary results for the creation of new technology, new processes and innovative methods of organization and production planning.

Research training is usually divided into four levels: fundamental and applied scientific research and development work

Fundamental research work aimed at the establishment of previously unknown regularities properties, phenomena of the material world. They are divided into primary fundamental exploring the objective laws of nature, and subject-fundamental, the purpose of which is to explain phenomena, facts, processes.

Search research projects are based on the known theoretical research and development. They allow us to establish the use of open events, properties, or the principle of a certain practical sphere, in the technique of single-purpose Search works differ from basic narrower focus, limited purpose.

Positive results of search operations are used in applied research. Applied research projects provide experimental verification of the practical use of the results of previous studies in specific sites of new technology. They can be directed to the creation of new products, materials, process technology. These studies can be shared, and the target in the form of development.

Development work aimed at creating new techniques specific operational purposes. In carrying out development work to develop the scheme and working drawings of a new product, manufactured and tested its prototypes.

All research projects must be planned and secured funding from the start of prospecting, laboratory and theoretical studies to completion and implementation of the national economy Thus creating conditions for the consistent implementation of all phases of development, linking together the research, design, experimentation, testing and implementation of the results into production.

Applied research and development is one of the stages of the life cycle of a product Their task - to answer the question: Is it possible to create a new type of product and what characteristics?

We recommend the following basic stages of research work:

1) the development of technical specifications for the research work;

2) choice of directions of research;

3) Theoretical and experimental studies;

4) synthesis and evaluation of research results

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