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The World and the LAnguage.doc
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Раздел I. Значение дисциплины и методические рекомендации по ее изучению 3

    1. Значение пособия для формирования студентов- филологов 3

    2. Цели и задачи курса 3

    3. Методические рекомендации по работе со сборником 4

Раздел II. Тексты по лингвистике для студентов-филологов5

What is linguistics? 5

Language as a system 10

Language structure and language function 13

Language families 16

The languages of Russia 20

The Maris and their language 26

The Finns and the Karelians and their languages 29

The world language 33

British English 37

What is American English?........................................................................42

Australian English 45

The language competition 49

’Killer languages’ strengthen their grip 53

Fields and aspects of linguistics 57

Phonetics as a branch of linguistics. Phonemes 61

The object of lexicology. Synonyms, antonyms and homonyms 65

English Vocabulary. New words and old 68

Words and their ways in English speech 72

What are proverbs? 76

An introduction to theoretical grammar 80

Parts of speech 83

On the English case system 86

Syntax 89

Problems of stylistic research 93

Stylistics of language and speech 99

Types of stylistic research and branches of stylistics 102

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