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Ключі Цикл і Етап і

Вправа 1 (с. 7)

1) 1. не просто

2. перекласти

  1. хочу

  2. може перекласти

  3. має знати

  4. був надто втомлений

  5. був першим

  6. була

  7. є кращою

  8. мій товариш

  9. звернув увагу

  10. займе

  11. пишаюсь

  12. було перекладати

  13. є

  14. повинен зрозуміти

2) Підкреслені слова містять в собі значення дії.

  1. Підмет.

  2. Смислова частина іменного присудка.

  3. Додаток.

  4. Смислова частина складеного дієслівного (модального) присудка.

  5. Обставина мети.

  6. Обставина наслідку.

  7. Означення.

  8. Означення.

  9. Означення.

  10. Означення.

  11. Обставина часу.

  12. Підмет.

  13. Додаток.

  14. Смислова частина іменного присудка.

  15. Означення.

  16. Обставина способу дії.

Вправа 2 (с. 8)

Підкреслені слова - це інфінітив дієслова to translate.

Вправа 3 (с. 9)

Підкреслені слова - це Past Participle дієслова to translate.

Вправа 4 (с. 9)

Підкреслені слова - це Present Participle дієслова to translate.

Вправа 5 (с. 10)

Підкреслені слова - це спеціальна -ing форма дієслова to translate, яка називається герундієм (the Gerund).

Етап іі

Вправа 1 (с. 12)

а) 5, 6

б) 1, 3, 6

в) 2, 4, 5

г) 3, 4

Вправа 4 (с. 14)

  1. To be or not to be - that is the question.

  2. To see her every day was enough for him.

  3. Our intention is to help you.

  4. His next step was to speak to Jane.

  5. All that you have to do is to call me tomorrow.

  6. To refuse them now is to lose a profitable order.

Вправа 5 (с. 17)

  1. We are going to discuss our plans.

  2. We should (ought to) look at this proposal very carefully.

  3. The payment has to be made through the National Bank.

  4. She would never watch TV.

  5. There are many hotel rooms available, so you don't need (have) to book one in advance. Or: ... you needn't book...

  6. His statements proved (turned out) to be false.

  7. She is certain (sure) to get a job.

  8. They used to go to France every summer.

  9. The Central Bank is unlikely to lower interest rates this year.

  10. The government shouldn’t (oughtn't to) have raised taxes.

  11. I just happened to be passing, so I dropped in.

  12. Now, I had better (would rather) get to work.

  13. You seem to have been living in London at that time.

  14. She may (can) be promoted at the end of the year.

Вправа 6 (c. 20)

  1. I expect (hope) to be given a pay rise.

  2. I am sorry to say this, but your work is unsatisfactory. Or: I regret to say that your work is unsatisfactory.

  3. I can't afford to buy something at present.

  4. She can't decide what time to invite the customers.

  5. He doesn’t want to be appointed Sales Manager.

  6. I would like to see her face when you communicate this news to her.

  7. The partners have arranged to continue the negotiations next week.

  8. She is anxious (eager) to go to the mountains in the summer.

  9. You deserve to be paid more.

  10. Is it hard (difficult) to learn English?

  11. The girl pretended not to see me.

  12. They didn’t know how to get there by car.

  13. When did you start (begin) to learn English?

  14. We'd like to know if you offer some discounts.

  15. The scientist failed to prove his hypothesis.

Вправа 7 (c. 21)

1) Слова, виділені курсивом, виконують функцію першого додатка; слова, виділені жирним шрифтом, виконують функцію другого додатка.

а) Перший додаток виражено іменником.

б) Перший додаток виражено особовим займенником в об'єктному відмінку.

  1. В обох реченнях другий додаток виражено інфінітивом.

Вправа 8 (c. 22)

У цих реченнях інфінітив уживається без частки to.

Вправа 9 (c. 23)

  1. The fall in demand forced us to cut production. Or: The fall in demand made us cut production.

  2. He warned me not to place all my money in one company.

  3. The policeman told the driver to slow down.

  4. They persuaded the bank to finance the project.

  5. The partners asked (requested) us to insure the cargo.

  6. They prompted (induced) us to speak English all the time. Or: They made us speak English all the time.

  7. The director commanded (ordered) all the employees to be at work at 7 a.m.

  8. I was allowed to have a day off.

  9. The new law will enable (allow) supermarkets to open on Sundays.

  10. The director invited the customers to visit the plant.

  11. The lawyer advised us to make a formal complaint.

  12. Her parents don't allow the girl to go out at night. Or: Her parents don't let the girl...

  13. The employees are encouraged to work overtime.

  14. Could you help me (to) prepare the annual report?

  15. They were made (induced / forced) to agree to a 5% discount.

Вправа 10 (c. 24)

  1. Курсивом виділені підрядні додаткові речення.

а) Підмет підрядного додаткового речення.

б) Присудок підрядного додаткового речення.

  1. Англійські речення - це прості речення за структурою.

4) Підмет українського підрядного додаткового речення виражено в англійському простому реченні:

а) особовими займенником в об'єктному відмінку;

б) іменником у загальному відмінку.

  1. Слова her та shares виконують функцію першого додатка.

  2. Присудок в українських підрядних додаткових реченнях виражено інфінітивом в англійських простих реченнях.

  3. Інфінітиви to inform та to be sold виконують функцію другого додатка в англійських простих реченнях.

Вправа 11 (c. 25)

  1. The secretary noticed him take the papers.

  2. The director expects the problem to have been settled.

  3. We'd like the agreement to be successful.

  4. They want the contract to be signed as early as January.

  5. He felt somebody touch his shoulder.

  6. The captain commanded (ordered) the goods to be loaded at once.

  7. Where do you want me to be waiting for you?

  8. I heard him give a talk on 'Quality Control'.

  9. Nobody saw them leave the office.

  10. Everybody watched (observed) the negotiators sign the protocol.

Вправа 12 (c. 26)

  1. I would like the article to be published in the next issue of the journal.

  2. He warned me not to rush into a decision.

  3. High taxes induce people to hide incomes. Or: High taxes make people hide incomes.

  4. Our representative will help you (to) organize the conference.

  5. They have invited her to participate in the conference.

  6. They expect us to resume the negotiations.

  7. Let me settle this question.

  8. Who allowed you to cancel the meeting?

  9. The obtained results enable us to employ this method in practice.

  10. I ordered (commanded) the goods to be shipped at once.

  11. We saw a woman enter the bank.

  12. She asked me to come back as soon as possible.

  13. The company director encouraged the workers to be trained for the new profession.

  14. They made us revise the terms of the contract. Or: They forced (induced) us to revise...

  15. What made you take this decision?

  16. The customers were persuaded to agree to our terms.

  17. She had (got / made) the waiter change the table-cloth.

  18. Everybody expected the partners to come at the end of the month.

  19. I often heard them discuss various scientific problems.

  20. Our manager wants us to work on Saturday.

  21. I was told not to pay the bill.

  22. Nobody forces (compels) him to work so hard. Or: Nobody makes him work so hard.

  23. He advised us to open a deposit account.

  24. I intend to learn French.

  25. I noticed some figures be inaccurate.

Вправа 14 (c. 27)

  1. Усі речення складнопідрядні.

  2. Тип головного речення в ситуаціях 1,2,3,5,6,7 - неозначено-особове; в ситуаціях 4 та 8 - безособове.

  3. Виділена курсивом частина у кожному реченні - це підрядне додаткове речення.

  1. делегація прибула

  2. статтю опубліковано

  3. товар було пошкоджено

  4. вони розробляють

  5. контракт буде підписано

  6. обладнання буде відвантажено

  7. він не планує

  8. я зустріну

  1. Англійські речення є простими за структурою.

  2. Частина, підкреслена двома рисками, - це присудковий комплекс.

  3. Головному реченню з українського варіанту відповідає перша частина присудкового комплексу в англійському варіанті.

  4. Підмету українського підрядного додаткового речення відповідає підмет англійського простого речення.

  5. Присудку українського підрядного додаткового речення відповідає друга частина присудкового комплексу в англійському варіанті; вона виражена інфінітивом.

Вправа 15 (c. 29)

  1. His brother is said to be the richest man in the country.

  2. His company is considered (believed / thought) to make annual profits of £8 million.

  3. He is known to have started doing business on his own 40 years ago.

  4. The deal is supposed to have led to the company bankruptcy.

  5. He is reported to be making new property investments at the moment.

  6. He is thought to be developing a new model of the appliance.

  7. The negotiations are understood (supposed) to take place tomorrow morning.

  8. The rate of inflation is not expected to exceed 5%.

Вправа 16 (c. 29)

  1. She was seen to talk to the manager.

  2. The cargo is known to have been insured last week.

  3. The auditors are reported to have started the checking of the company.

  4. The company is considered (believed / thought) to have lost a great deal of money on the deal.

  5. The members of the committee are expected to agree on the date of the conference.

  6. As many as a hundred people were supposed to participate in the conference.

  7. George is believed (considered / thought / supposed) to be planning a new major investment.

  8. He is said to have signed the agreement.

Вправа 17 (c. 30)

  1. is believed to be

  2. is reported to own

  3. is thought to be

  4. is known to have spent

  5. is said to have been

  6. is known to have started

  7. is supposed to have led

  8. is considered to have paid

  9. is known to be

Вправа 18 (c. 31)

  1. It’s time to establish economic relationships with Europe.

  2. He isn’t a person to rely on.

  3. He was the first to get interested in this problem.

  4. They were the last to congratulate us.

  5. The first thing to be done now is to check her banking account.

  6. It's a chance not to be missed.

  7. Mr. Johnson isn't a person to promise and not keep his word.

  8. Unfortunately, it is not the agreement to be proud of.

Вправа 19 (c. 33)

  1. I need a day off next week to go to an interview.

  2. New markets are not stable enough to invest in.

  3. To increase production, we will have to employ more workers.

  4. Tom put his keys in his briefcase in order / so as not to lose them.

  5. Their forecasts are not accurate enough for us to use.

  6. It was too hot to go out into town.

  7. The government can raise interest rates (in order / so as) to prevent the growth of inflation.

  8. To promote some special product lines, the managers changed the layout of the department store.

  9. She is rich enough not to work.

  10. Linda is studying economics (in order / so as) to become a manager of the company.

Вправа 20 (c. 33)

  1. We have cut the price of our goods by 10% to attract more customers.

  2. Can you afford to go on holiday now?

  3. Your production is too expensive for us to buy.

  4. The head of your company is considered (believed / thought / supposed) to earn over $500,000 a year.

  5. I am sure that they will agree to give us a 14% discount.

  6. We regret to inform you that you have failed.

  7. Considerable sums of money and travelling cheques ought to (should) be deposited into the safe.

  8. The partners failed to meet on Monday.

  9. Don't hesitate to contact us.

  10. She was made to learn Japanese.

  11. She hopes (expects) to be promoted soon.

  12. The director is going to hold negotiations next week.

  13. I had better fax this information.

  14. We put the letters on the table in order / so as not to forget to post them.

  15. Our competitors are known to have developed this model.

  16. The goods have to be ordered beforehand.

  17. I am very glad (pleased, happy, delighted) to be given a chance to work for this firm.

  18. I happen to know his telephone number.

  19. I would like her to prepare for the interview.

  20. Here is the article for you to read.

  21. I continued to write until it got dark.

  22. We used to provide our customers with the best services.

  23. To prevent the growth of inflation, the government had to raise interest rates.

  24. Tom turned out (proved) to be a good accountant.

  25. He wouldn’t like to be asked questions.

  26. The government doesn’t allow the tobacco industry to advertise on TV.

  27. The client threatens to take them to court.

  28. We saw the delegation board the plane.

  29. Is it possible to postpone our meeting for Wednesday?

  30. I have nothing to wear for the party.

  31. He is unlikely to be appointed a manager.

  32. I don’t know how to use e-mail.

  33. There is a price to be paid for the production of these goods.

  34. The company shouldn’t have invested in this project.

  35. The director asked me to finish the report as soon as possible.

  36. We are trying to attract as many customers as possible.