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3.3. Perform a Round table on one of the topics given in 3.2.

Before starting the discussion with thesis and argumentation decide who takes the role of (1) mediator, (2) argumentation giver, (3) opponent, and who’ll help the mediator by sharing some of the moderator’s roles. It is important if a moderator is performing this role for the 1st time.

3.4. Read the definitions of the word “problem” and definitions of problem examples given in two online dictionaries.

prob·lem  (prblm)


1. A question to be considered, solved, or answered: math problems; the problem of how to arrange transportation.

The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition copyright ©2000 by Houghton Mifflin Company. Updated in 2009. Published by Houghton Mifflin Company. All rights reserved.



problem - a state of difficulty that needs to be resolved;

race problem - a social and political problem caused by conflict between races occupying the same or adjacent regions

balance-of-payments problem - an economic problem caused by payments for imports being greater than receipts for exports

Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2008 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.


noun 1. difficulty, trouble, dispute, plight, obstacle, dilemma, headache (informal) disagreement, complication, predicament, quandary

3.5. Now you are getting prepared for a new Round table discussion. Think of problems that may arise in academic situation as for example “time-table problem”, “lack of literature problem”, “lack of reading experience problem”, “lack of understanding problem”, “lack of proper knowledge problem” etc.

Make a list of problems you consider worth discussing, define them and give synonymic word for each particular case. Besides think if it is possible to use the word ‘issue’ instead of ‘problem’ in an academic situation.

Compare your lists of problems with the ones prepared by other groups of your classmates. Choose one for the class and discuss it in the format of the Round table. (State the time limit of the Round table before you start).

Your inner feed-back (after the performance of the Round table discussion): Think whether your active vocabulary lacks words for discussing this or similar academic problems you think important. Then make a list of them in your native language.

3.6. Work on your personal vocabulary: translate into English your own list of words made within your feed back activity , define if necessary, give synonyms or\and examples of usage.

Reading and reporting

4.1. Read Appendix 4 about paragraphing and think whether the words ‘paragraph’ and ‘pause’ can be synonymous in a way? Cannot you accept that a paragraph for a written speech is the same as a pause for an oral one? Indeed, both are markers of speech behavior.

4.2. Scan the text “Johann Wolfgang von Goethe” and split it into paragraphs.

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