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Grammar practice

V. Find in the text some sentences in the Active Voice, copy them into your exercise books, give simple grammar analysis of these sentences.

VI. Find in the text some sentences in the Passive Voice, copy them into your exercise books, give simple grammar analysis of these sentences.

VII. Find in the text sentences with the Gerunds and define their forms and functions. See Grammar in Use section if necessary.

VIII. Find in the text sentences with the Infinitives and define their forms and functions. See Grammar in Use section if necessary.

IX. Find in the text sentences with the Participles and define their forms and functions. See Grammar in Use section if necessary.

Language practice

X. Fill in the table with the most important terms of macroeconomics and try to give the definitions

Macroeconomics terms






XI. Answer the following questions for general understanding

1. What does macroeconomics emphasize?

2. What do macroeconomists study?

3. Why do macroeconomics concepts receive more coverage in media?

4. What does a notion «GDP» mean?

5. What does the term «aggregate price level» denote?

6. What term do economists apply to name people of working age?

XII. Translate from Russian into English

1. Макроэкономика делает акцент на взаимодействиях в экономике в целом.

2. Макроэкономисты не подразделяют потребительские товары на категории.

3. Три концепции являются основными блоками в макроэкономике.

4. Валовый внутренний продукт является основной единицей измерения совокупного объема производства товаров и услуг в экономике.

5. Совокупный уровень цен – это средний уровень цен на товары и услуги в экономике по отношению к их ценам в некий установленный период в прошлом.

6. Совокупный уровень цен показывает, что происходит с ценами в целом.

7. Уровень безработицы – это процент экономически активного населения, не имеющего работы.

8. Двумя проблемами современного экономического анализа являются инфляция и уровень безработицы.

9. Макроэкономисты желают понять, каким образом взаимодействия в экономике могут приводить к значительному уровню инфляции и безработицы.


XIII. Talk to your partner and decide which of the following statements are true about macroeconomics

a) Macroeconomics deals with global questions only.

b) Landed gentry are those who have no chance to find a job on speciality.

c) Society reveals that it is not against inflation because the government always makes compensations.

d) Government policy always makes some effects on the national economy.

e) Macroeconomic analysis shows the development of the economic theory.

X IV. Explain in your own words the importance and practical applications of the following concepts

XV. Work in pairs or small groups. Think and say if you are able to answer the following macroeconomic questions (if not, explain why it is impossible)

a) What does it happen when the price level is rising?

b) Is it possible for macroeconomists to realize how interactions within and between the economies can lead to such outcomes as inflation and unemployment?

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