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2. Соответствие в парах: соотнести английский вариант с русским

1. advanced countries

а) отдельные домохозяйства

2. adjustment

b) главная составляющая

3. individual households

c) совокупный уровень цен

4. building block

d) развитые страны

5. aggregate price level

e) регулирование

6. consumer goods

f) борьба за существование

7. struggle for existence

g) уровень жизни

8. standard of living

h) определенные предметы потребления

9. alternative goods

i) потребительские товары

10. particular commodities

j) альтернативные товары

11. self-sufficient communities

k) благосостояние

12. sophisticated branch of microeconomics

l) ассортимент товаров

13. range of goods

m) сложная отрасль микроэкономики

14. well-being

n) система ценообразования

15. price system

o) экономически независимые сообщества

16. consumption

p) личный доход

17. gross domestic product

q) рабочая сила

18. labour force

r) коэффициент безработицы

19. national income

s) рыночная экономика

20. total employment rate

t) совокупное предложение

21. free market economy

u) экономический цикл

22. business cycle

v) общий уровень занятости

23. aggregate supply

w) национальный доход

24. personal income

x) валовой национальный продукт

25. unemployment rate

у) употребление

3. Поле ввода

a) Вставьте нужный предлог: 1. to; 2. on; 3. for; 4. by; 5. to.

1. Economics is that part of human behaviour which relates … the production, exchange, and use of goods and services.

2. The total output of the community depends ... the ways in which resources are combined together.

3. Business can be transacted … the telephone.

4. Much of economics is devoted … the study of how society solves the problems of what, how, and for whom to produce.

5. Many owners look … students doing part-time job which pays a bit of money.

b) Вставьте подходящие по смыслу глаголы с предлогами

a) to be counted as c) to be close to e) to find oneself in

b) to be devoted to d) play around

1. Whatever the reason the fact is that we … a situation of choice.

2. Much of economics … the study of how society solves the what, how and for whom problem.

3. You … with new ideas and invent a new product, for example, a television.

4. Most countries are mixed economies, though some … to command economies.

5. Some of the landed gentry are not in the labour force and should not … unemployed.

c) Вставьте подходящее по смыслу слово или словосочетание:

a) physical commodities b) labour market c) Gross Domestic Product (GDP)

d) the free market e) the actual quantities

1. Labour economics deals with problems of the … as viewed by firms, workers, and society as a whole.

2. … is the value of all goods and services produced in the economy in a given period such as a year.

3. … allows individuals to pursue their self-interest without any government restrictions.

4. The first and major function of any economic system is to determine … and varieties of goods and services which will best meet the wants of its citizens.

5. By goods we mean … such as steel, cars, and strawberries.

d) Соедините соответствующие части предложений

1. Macroeconomists wish to understand how interactions within the economy

a) a coherent society making sensible allocative decisions.

2. The unemployment rate is the percentage

b) no matter what level of economic development they have reached.

3. Smith argued that the pursuit of self-interest, without any central direction, could produce

c) can lead to sharp rises in the aggregate unemployment rate and whether government policy can make any difference.

4. These basic problems are common to all societies

d) the conflict between people's virtually limitless desires for goods and services, and the scarcity of resources with which these goods and services can be produced.

5. The central economic problem for society is how to reconcile

e) of the labour force without a job.

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