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5. Use the Passive Voice according to the model:

Model: They gave her an interesting article.

She was given an interesting article last week. / She will be given an interesting article soon.

1. They met me at the faculty yesterday. 2. She offered him this work. 3. They invited her to the conference. 4. We held the meeting in our hall. 5. The students used some sol­vents for their experiments. 6. He wrote a very good report. 7. They asked us to take part in the experiment. 8. We listened to the lecturer with great interest.

6. Find the sentences in which the word with the ending "-ed" is a part of the Passive Voice. Define the Tense and translate into Russian.

1. They produced many new goods at our plant. 2. This new material was produced at our plant. 3. He carried out his first experiment at the age of  18. 4. Great research work is being carried out by our students. 5.  D.  I.  Mendeleyev formulated the Periodic Law. 6. This law opened a new era in chemistry. 7. The articles written by our English colleges were soon translated by senior students. 8. He was appointed professor of the Physico-Chemical department. 9. All the samples will be carefully examined. 10. The work was presented in time.

7. While translating these sentences pay special attention to the prepositions.

Model: The samples have already been sent for.

За образцами уже послали.

1. The new book is much spoken about. 2. These data will be often referred to. 3. The analyst has been sent for. 4. Mixtures are often experimented upon. 5. Chemical substances are worked at. 6. These data can be relied upon. 7. Mercury is often made use of.

8. Read and translate. Mixtures and Compounds

All of the chemical substances we know may be divided into three classes: mixtures, compounds and elements. A mixture is made up of two or more substances that are not combined chemically and may be present in any proportion. Mixtures are much worked at and experimented upon.

Mixtures may be separated into components which may be either simple mixtures and hence heterogeneous, or specific, homogeneous substances. Separation may be continued until substances are obtained. Each of these resulting substances falls into one of two categories. Substances which, as a result a chemical change, can be broken down into two or more simpler chemical substances, are called compounds. Substances which, as a result of a chemical change, can be broken down into two or more simpler chemical substances, are called compounds. Compounds, as has been stated, are homogeneous and possess specific physical and chemical properties. But one of their chemical properties is the ability to decompose into simpler substances as the result of certain chemical changes.

Compounds are, therefore, complex, and they constitute by far the larger class of chemical substances.

Substances which cannot be broken down into simpler chemical substances by chemical means are called chemical elements or simply elements.

Scientific knowledge of elements, compounds and mixtures grows at a faster and faster rate. An interesting aspect of this growth is the fact that the greater our knowledge becomes the greater is our vista and consequently the more we are aware of the magnitude of the unknown.

Notes to the text:

vista – перспектива

by far – гораздо

consequently – следовательно

to be aware of – знать, сознавать

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