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Guides for Advertising. Student's Book.doc
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2. Read the text below:

Before diving into advertising, experts suggest an entrepreneur establish the target market by asking oneself who your customers are and, therefore, who you want to reach with your advertising. This may seem obvious, but many advertisers don't have any idea who they're selling to.

Pinpoint your audience first. For example, in radio advertising every radio buy must begin with a clear understanding of the listeners you want to reach. Write a one-sentence target audience profile based on the demographics of your prospects. This should include their age, gender, where they live and other factors, such as household income.

Then, share this information with the sales representatives from the stations you're considering. They'll tell you what percentage of their stations' listeners match these demographics and at what times of the day or during which programming you'll reach your best prospects.

There also may be qualitative characteristics of your ideal prospects you should consider when making your radio buy. A restaurant owner, for example, would look for a radio station whose listeners dine out frequently. The radio station sales reps have access to both qualitative and quantitative information concerning their listeners and should be able to give you proposals that include schedules with ratings breakdowns. They should also provide signal coverage maps that show precisely where their stations are heard.

3. (A) The advertisement in a-column has been mixed and, to arrange them in the right sequence, consult the advertisement in b-coIumn.

(b) What is the target audience in each column? What information is more relevant for foreign tourists? What sounds more attractive for Russian tourists? Mind the difference, try to explain it.



Explore Tatarstan!

1. You are sure to keep in mind the white stone Kremlin, the golden domes of the monasteries and churches, the decoration of the mosques' minarets.

2. Once having visited it you are sure to come back here again.

3. Walking along the silent streets of country towns you will enjoy looking at majestic scenery. It impressed outstanding Russian and Tartar painters, writers, poets, singers.

4. The hospitable land of Tatarstan welcomes you to show its best places of interest and history.

5. You will bring home unforgettable impressions of your visiting our beautiful TATARSTAN!

6. You will learn the 1000 years' history of Kazan and plunge into medieval towns of the ancient state of Volga Bulgaria.


1. Гостеприимная земля Татарстана так интересна и своеобразна, что, посетив ее однажды, вы захотите сюда вернуться вновь и вновь.

2. Вы познакомитесь с интереснейшей историей тысячелетней Казани, окунетесь в волшебную атмосферу средневековых городов Волжской Булгарии, прогуляетесь по тихим улочкам уездных городов, увидите живописные уголки природы, восхищавшие И. Шишкина, Г. Тукая, М. Горького, Ф. Шаляпина.

3. Надолго в памяти останутся белокаменные стены древнего Кремля, золотые купола православных монастырей, изящные минареты мечетей, старинные легенды и предания, которыми помнится этот необыкновенный край, и имя ему - ТАТАРСТАН!

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