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Guides for Advertising. Student's Book.doc
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1. Answer the following questions:

1. What colors are most often used on products? What do these colors cause?

2. For what purpose have the colors been used by advertiser and merchandiser?

3. Can a combination of colors attract attention to a product? What examples are given in the text?

4. What color emulates freshness and healthfulness? For advertising of what products is it used?

5. What colors raise blood pressure? To whom do they appeal?

6. What colors are considered to be masculine?

7. What color gives an expensive message?

8. What colors evoke strong emotions?

9. What rule should be remembered in using colors in ads? How can it help both the merchandiser and consumer?

2. Discuss the following statement: "Sometimes the colors selected by a designer aren't necessary based on any real scientific choice".

3. Match the color with its meaning:


connotes simplicity, cleanliness and purity


activates your pituitary gland


is serious, bold, powerful and classic


is viewed as gregarious and childlike


is popular with financial institutions


connotes health, freshness and serenity


symbolizes home and hearth


communicates optimism, light and warmth

4. Find the key sentences in the text. Discuss them in class.

5. Retell the text using as many words and word combinations of the unit as possible.

6. Read the following text and expand on it.

It's important to keep in mind that colors have different meanings in different parts of the world. One and the same color can convey happiness in a European country and mourning in another one. If your business operates globally, it is essential that you consider color meanings throughout the world before you choose the color palette to be used in your logo or marketing materials.

Here is a list of colors and their cultural meanings in different countries throughout the world:


Good luck and fortune: China and parts of Africa Danger,warning/alert: Europe, America and Australia/New Zealand

Mourning (dark red): Ivory Coast Death: Turkey


Immortality: Iran


High-tech: Japan

Luck: Middle East

A forbidden color: Indonesia

Death: South America and countries with dense jungle areas


Feminine: United States and many countries

Mourning: Mexico

Strength and reliability: Saudi Arabia


Mourning as well as style and elegance: Most Western nations Trust and high quality: China


Mourning: Japan and other Far Eastern nations Cleanliness and purity: Western nations


Disapproval: Nicaragua

Give examples of the meaning of the same colors in different parts of the world. Share them with your classmates.

7. Choose the proper preposition to finish off the sentence. Translate the text into Russian.

A cross-cultural study fulfilled_British researchers reveals that color words_a given language shape human perception_color, explaining why some native English-speaking children, familiar _the rainbow_colors_the Crayola 64-pack, actually can tell "rust"__"brick" and " moss"_"sage", while children who grow up speaking languages __ fewer color names lump such hues together. As a result of the performed research the scholars found out, that_increasing linguistic competence, the correlation__memory and language scheme increased, while the correlation_memory and perceptual space decreased. It allowed them to support the Sapir-Whorf hypothesis that language shapes or determines thought.

sage — полынь

lump — рассматривать в целом (не вдаваясь в подробности) hue — цвет, оттенок

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