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II. Прочтите и переведите предложения, обращая внимание на способы перевода инфинитива в страдательном залоге после модальных глаголов и их эквивалентов:

  1. Electrolysis may be defined as a process by which a che­mical reaction is carried out.

  2. The mass may often be defined as the quantity of matter remaining constant everywhere.

  3. When the forces act in the same direction, the resultant can be found by adding the applied forces.

  4. The energy which has to be supplied by the generator or battery is transformed into heat within the conductor.

  5. The frequency of an oscillator is to be kept constant by means of an oscillating crystal.

  6. To detect very weak radio signals a directional antenna and a highly sensitive radio receiver are to be used.

  7. A number of scientific problems were to be solved in con­nection with the construction of a network of electrotransmission lines.

III. Прочтите предложения, определив функцию причастия II, и переведите предложения:

  1. The oscillations produced in the antenna are weak.

  2. The antenna receives only a small part of energy radiated by the transmitter.

  3. Negatively charged ions are attracted to the anode; posi­tively charged ions are attracted to the cathode.

  4. The results obtained are of great importance.

  5. The constructed transmitter operated on various frequen­cies.

  6. If arranged according to their atomic weights, the elements show the periodicity of their properties.

  7. When heated, magnetized steel will lose its magnetism.

  8. When produced in one tube, minimum grid voltage is produced in the other tube.

  9. Placed in a different surrounding medium the device ope­rates differently.



1. А unique approach for converting heat directly into electricity is the nuclear thermionic converter. 2. Such conver­ters consist of a heated emitter of electrons, a collector, and a gas (that becomes a plasma when ionized) between the elec­trodes. 3. The main problem with conventional converters is that the gas used is highly corrosive. 4. Also, this gas tends to make the passage of electrons difficult. 5. One of the Ameri­can laboratories has produced a nuclear converter that elimina­tes these drawbacks. 6. In this converter, uranium is used in the emitter. 7. When bombarded by neutrons from a reactor, the uranium undergoes fission. 8. As a result, the high-energy particles heat the emitter to a much lower temperature than in other converters and, at the same time, produce the plasma by ionizing the gas. 9. Electrons have to flow readily from the emitter to the collector of the unit.

10. The development of a cell which has to convert nuclear energy directly into electricity has been made by General Mo­tors. 11. It is called a liquid metal cell, and it may produce energy by collecting the electrical charges given off by the reaction of one liquid metal with another — in contrast with con­ventional storage batteries whose energy is produced by the action of acid upon the metal. 12. The cell is able to produce a larger proportion of its full theoretical power than normal storage batteries due to the greater conductivity of its molten1 salt electrolyte and the quicker reaction rates of the metals with salts. 13. A liquid metal cell in the form of a one-foot cube can produce 11 kilowatts compared with 11/2 kilowatts obtainable from storage batteries of the same dimensions. 14. In converting nuclear energy to electricity the cell has to form a part of a regenerative cycle which can work for long periods using the heat of a nuclear reactor. 15. The heat of the reactor separates the metals since their melting points differ appreciably. 16. When the metals recombine in the cell, a reac­tion occurs producing an electric current. 17. As heating is continued the system will produce electricity. 18. A cell of this type operates continuously for 60 hours.

Пояснение к тексту

  1. molten — расплавленный

Слова для запоминания

п acid, approach, cell, dimension, drawback, fission, passage, storage battery

v approach, convert, eliminate, give off, separate, undergo (underwent, undergone)

a obtainable, separate, unique

prep since

cj since

Слова для повторения

n unit

v compare, differ

ado continuously, readily