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Слова для запоминания

n aircraft, carrier, danger, range, refinement

и accompany, accomplish, devote, employ, enable, penetrate, pick-up, range

Слова для повторения

n achievement, location v ensure, extend, reveal

a narrow, negligible, only

adv extremely


IV. * Прочтите предложения, укажите номера предложений, со­держащих оборот «именительный падеж с инфинитивом», и переве­дите все предложения:

  1. The proper refinement is expected to be necessary for this system.

  2. The proper refinement was used to improve the operation of this system.

  3. The design of the transmitter was changed to be employed in this aircraft.

  4. Radar is known to be employed to locate aircraft.

  5. Iron and zinc plates are used to produce negative electrodes.

  6. Some types of vacuum tubes may be used to rectify an alternating current.

  7. Highly sensitive receivers are reported to be employed in space communication.

  8. Special sputniks were created to provide reliable radio contact in space.

V. Прочтите и переведите предложения:

  1. The device has proved to be extremely useful for space navigation.

  2. The infra-red and ultra-violet radiations have been found to be media for carrying information in space.

  3. Electronics is expected to enable the astronauts to locate their position in space.

  4. These converters did not seem to be suitable for this purpose.

  5. Metallic conductors do not appear to undergo any chemical change due to the passage of a current.

  6. The receiver didn't turn out to be perfect while operating on low frequencies.

  7. This measuring instrument does not seem to be reliable.

VI.* Прочтите предложения, укажите номера предложений, в ко­торых слово "range" является сказуемым, и переведите все предложения:

  1. The problem of extending the range of radio communica­tion in space is very important.

  2. This material can be employed within definite tempera­ture ranges.

  3. The radar system ranges within a definite distance.

  4. The temperature range from - 500° C to —100 F can be achieved within four hours.

  5. A short distance rocket ranges within some miles.

VII* Прочтите предложения, укажите номера предложений, в ко­торых слово "only" является именем прилагательным, и переведите все предложения;

  1. Only powerful sources may be employed in space laboratories.

  2. The designer is the only person who may change these parameters.

  3. The students were shown only an automatic control system.

  4. The only danger of the flight was a possible collision with micrometeorites.

  5. Radio waves are not the only carriers of information in space.

VIII. * Назовите инфинитивы глаголов, от которых образованы следующие имена существительные:

carrier, refinement, accomplishment, penetration, location, achievement, guidance, injector, correspondence, circulation, collision, collection, measurement, application, consideration, assumption, expectation, disturbance, establishment, provision, requirement, definition, performance, creator, consumption, insulation, exposure, presentation, elimination

IX. Прочтите и переведите группы слов:

1. aircraft location; 2. aircraft location system; 3. communi­cation refinement; 4. radar equipment refinement; 5. space in­vestigations; 6. space investigation achievements; 7. range determination; 8. the range determination equipment; 9. a colli­sion danger; 10. space radio navigation; 11. a light-weight me­tallic body; 12. quantum generator performance; 13. long range rockets; 14. aircraft reliability; 15. satellite control system