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3. Oral Practice

3.1. Answer questions.

1) Why are small firms more preferable when new products or ideas are being used?

2) Why do small firms have advantages when the personal attention of the owner is essential to daily operations?

3) Why are large firms less efficient where personal professional services are dominated?

4) What are the advantages of small firms when the market for the product is local and there are wide variations in demand and styles?

5) What advantages do small firm owners have?

6) What disadvantages of small firms do you know?

7) How can owners of small firms overcome disadvantages?

8) In what way can owners of small firms de rewarded?

9) What requirements for successful ownership of small business firms are mentioned in the passage?Which are the most important?

3.2 Match the words with their definitions

Expansion, overheads, reward, goodwill, tax.

A. The expenses incurred in producing goods or services during the period.

b. The process of becoming greater in size, number or amount.

c. An amount of money that you must pay to the government so that it can pay for public services.

d. The popularity and good reputation of a successful business that forms part of its financial worth.

e. Something that you are given, for example because you have behaved well, worked hard.

3.3 Supply the sentences with the missing words. A. He divided his … among his four brothers.

b. He would never have secured our independence without the aid you … .

c. They argued that their wage increases would be … by higher prices.

d. Sales … all expectations.

e. We should … our approach.

f. I need the money to … me for at least the next month until I start a job.

g. We must try to … … our own failure.

h. The streets were crowded with … and buyers.

i. … of proper finding is making our job more difficult.

j. He … all the major accounts.

k. They ask for 6 million pound loan … as working capital.

Render, lack, facility, offset, estate, maintain, cope with, adjust, handle, vendor, exceed.

3.4 Find synonyms to these words:




3.5 Find antonyms to these words:




ill-conceived business


3.6 Complete each sentence by using the correct form of one of the following verbs in the passive.

build sell

make spend

overcome take over

say win

More than 6 million tins of beans are … every week.

They were … by an American company last year.

No attempt was … to explain the inconsistency in the figures.

Kent industries are … to be thinking of expanding overseas.

Once initial problems had been …, the reorganization went like clock work.

Their new factory will be … on the outskirts of the town.

The contract was … in the face of strong competition.

Over $ 3 million was … on advertising last year.

3.7 Write English equivalents

    1. Власники малих фірм знають проблеми своїх працівників з щоденних розмов

    2. Численні недоліки малих підприємств можна подолати за допомогою точного планування

    3. Винагороди не автоматичні та не гарантовані

    4. Малі підприємства часто не можуть подолати тягар оподаткування