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I. Answer the following questions:

1. What kind of science is geology? 2. What is geology concerned with? 3. Geology stands on the broad foundations of astronomy, mathematics, physics, chemistry and biology, doesn't it? 4. What divisions does geology comprise in its superstructure? 5. What apparently diverse subjects do geologists study? 6. What role has geology played in the development of our modern industrialism?


II. State to what part of speech the following words belong and translate them into Russian:

Science — scientist — scientific — scientifically; mineralogy —mineralogical — mineralogist; divide — division — divided — dividing; develop — development — developed; inhabit — inhabitant — inhabited —inhabitable; utilize — utilization — utilized

III. Find in the dictionary Russian equivalents of the words origin — original (adj) — originally — originate and memorize them. Put the proper derivative in the blanks in the sentences:

1.The ... inhabitants of this island are not known. 2. These materials ... in the ocean. 3. This island was ... inhabited by Indian tribes. 4. This chapter of the book deals with the ... of the earth's surface features.

Grammar Exercises

IV. Translate the sentences giving special attention to the meanings of the words it, its:

a) — What is that? — It's a map of the Soviet Union.

b) 1. Geology is a science which deals with the history of the earth and its inhabitants. It studies agencies and processes which are continually altering it. 2. The earth is continually changing its position in relation to the sun as it revolves in its orbit. 3. From the Naval Observatory at Greenwich standard time is telegraphed each day throughout the British Isles. It has been adopted (принять) as standard time by nearly all civilized nations.

c) 1. — It is only 3 o'clock, but it is quite dark. — That's because it's raining hard. 2. It is difficult to say when man first became interested in fossils (ископаемое, окаменелость). 3. In many crystals it is not possible to distinguish individual molecules. 4. It must be noted, however, that only the poles on the earth have a six months' day and a six months' night.

d) 1. It is the science of geology that has brought to mankind new conceptions of time. 2. The Alps are famous for their glaciers; it was there that they were first studied, and for that reason valley glaciers are often called Alpine glaciers. 3. It is the climate which determines the kind of natural vegetation that covers the earth. 4. It was by Vladimir Vernadsky that our school of geochemical research was founded.

V. Define the meaning of the word it. Translate the sentences into Russian:

1. It was by the Russian spacecraft Lunik III that the far side of the moon was photographed in 1959. 2. It is interesting to note that principal substances — oxygen, hydrogen and carbon — are all of light weight. 3. When ice has frozen over a lake it contracts when the temperature falls and cracks. 4. The atmosphere is heated not only by the heat from the sun, it is heated chiefly by the radiation from the heated earth surface. 5. In navigation Greenwich time is of prime importance because of the relation between time and longitude. When it is noon at Greenwich it is not noon anywhere except along the longitude of Greenwich. East of Greenwich it has already been noon, and west of Greenwich it is still before noon. 6. It is the process of deposition that produces sedimentary rocks. 7. It was formerly supposed that the entire interior of the earth was liquid. 8. In many limestones it is easy to see the remains of small shells without using the microscope.

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