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I. Answer the following questions:

1. Into what two branches may geology be divided? 2. What is physical geology concerned with? 3. What does historic geology deal with? 4. What are the agencies modifying the earth continually? 5. What kind of changes has the earth gone through? 6. How long has the earth been modified by geological processes and agencies? 7. Is the earth being modified by them at present? 8. The earth's history is not ended yet, is it?


II. Translate the following words (mind the prefix sub-):

subterranean, subsurface, submarine, subsoil (soil — почва), subtitle (title — заглавие), subdivision, subgroup, subcrustal, subtropical, subpolar, subcontinent

III. Give nouns corresponding to the following verbs:

change, utilize, use, modify, move, record, constitute, shape, divide, develop, inhabit, originate, alter

Word Study

IV. State to what part of speech the words in bold type belong:

1. Metamorphism changes the original characteristics of the rocks and mi-nerals. 2. River bars often form in such places. 3. Geologic processes shape the lands. 4. Plants and animals cause great changes in the chemical composition of rocks. 5. In certain places the wind forms sand dunes. 6. On the earth surface the climate changes from north to south. 7. Sand dunes are fairly common land forms. 8. This process produces masses of new rock in large irregular shapes.

Grammar Exercises

V. Translate the following sentences paying attention to the words ending in -ed and forms of irregular verbs (found, brought, etc.). State whether the word in bold type is a predicate, part of a predicate or Participle II used attributively. (See "Analysis" §§ II, III, p. p. 6 — 7):

1. England is separated from Europe by a strait called the English Channel (Ла-Манш). 2. A piece of land separated from larger masses and surrounded by the sea or by water is called an island. 3. The moon probably separated from the earth at a very early stage in the history of our planet. 4. Glaciers deposited (откладывать) their loads on land, in fresh water or in the sea. 5. Man makes many uses of the clays (глина) deposited in lakes. 6. The sedimentary rocks commonly contain fossils (окаменелость) or the remains of plants and animals that lived while the rocks were being deposited. Some fossils are found only in the beds (слой) that were formed at certain times, and we can tell the relative ages of the beds on the basis of the fossils contained in them. 7. The rock samples (образец) brought contained fossils of marine plants and animals. 8. In this chapter we have discussed the surface features of the earth and the processes and agencies by which the earth has been for millions of years modified. 9. The origin of the earth will be discussed in Chapter 5.

VI. Revision. Translate the following sentences paying attention to the word it.

1. It is believed that the climate of the world is gradually becoming warmer. 2. It is widely accepted that the earth was originally in the form of a hot gaseous mass. 3. It is evident that the sun has gone through several stages in the course of its evolution. 4. It was during this era that sedimentation first became the leading process in the formation of the geological record. 5. It is largely through the study of the character of the sedimentary rocks that scientists can reveal the story of the changes during past ages.

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