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Lexical Exercises

VII. Write out the equivalents in pairs:

a) comprise, alter, pass through, vast, utilization, deal with, agency

b) go through, use, great, be concerned with, include, agent, change

VIII. Give Russian equivalents of the following:

to go through vast changes; earth-crust movements; utilization of the earth's materials by man; a long list of diverse subjects; to include such agencies as; the record of the successive events of the earth's history

IX. Give English equivalents of the following:

включать, содержать (два слова); заниматься (чем-л.), иметь дело (с чем-л.); состав и строение земли; пройти через различные стадии; формировать черты рельефа земли; подземные воды; огромные изменения в физическом состоянии земли

X. Choose the proper word from the words in brackets to complete the following statements:

1. Mineralogy is the science which is ... with minerals. 2. Petrography is the science which ... with the study of rocks. 3. Crystallography, mineralogy and petrography are … of geochemistry. 4. Man's practical activities and the need to utilize natural resources have led to extensive … of geological knowledge. 5. The successive events of past earth history are … in the rocks. 6. Metamorphism … all those processes by which rocks are changed.

(divisions, development, includes, recorded, deals, concerned)

XI. Put questions to the words in bold type:

1. The earth can be divided into two hemispheres. 2. The rocks of the earth are subject to alterations. 3. The history of the geologic periods is recorded in the deposits accumulated during those times. 4. We can reconstruct events of earth past history from the records in the rocks.

XII. Translate into Russian without using a dictionary. Pay attention to the words of active vocabulary or their derivatives:

1. The earth can be divided into two hemispheres (полушарие). 2. The three main divisions of the earth are the crust, the mantle (мантия) and the core (ядро). 3. It is the geologist that classifies lands according to (согласно, по) their minerals, soils, water and other natural resources. 4. The soil and subsoil constitute the mantle rock (mantle — покров, нанос). 5. Some authors use different terms to denote various subdivisions within the earth. 6. The history of the geologic periods is recorded in the deposits which accumulated during those times. 7. We can read records in the rocks from which we can reconstruct events in the drama of earth history that happened millions of years ago. 8. The earth's crust is constantly (continually) changing. Even the rocks of the earth are subject (подверженный) to alterations. The processes by which rocks are altered at the earth's surface are comprised under the term "weathering" (выветривание). 9. Volcanoes vary in size from small conical hills to some of the highest mountains on the earth's surface. 10. The next branch of geology, structural geology, is concerned (deals) with the deformation of rock bodies and with interpretation of structural features. 11. The waters of the earth include the waters of oceans, lakes and streams, the vapor (пар) in the atmosphere and the ground water that is contained in the openings in the earth's crust.

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