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Lexical Exercises

VI. Give Russian equivalents of the following:

living things; various stages; to be concerned with; the earth's constitution and structure; agencies altering the earth; to shape the earth's surface features; to comprise

VII. Find in the text equivalents of the following:

ландшафт земли; раздел, деление; непрерывно изменять; общие основы; происхождение и развитие животных и растений; длинный перечень (список); наука

VIII. Give English equivalents of the following:

геология, геолог, геологический; палеонтология, палеонтолог, пале-онтологический; минералогия, минералог, минералогический; геохимия, геохимик, геохимический; геофизика, геофизик, геофизический; петрография, петрограф, петрографический; кристаллография, кристаллограф, кристаллографический

IX. Put questions to the words in bold type:

1. Geology was originally a descriptive science. 2. Geology deals with the history of the earth and its inhabitants. 3. These processes actively shape the earth's surface features. 4. Minerals and rocks are variously utilized by modern industry.


*X. There are three words in each line which may be "signals" of the predicate. Write them out. (See "Analysis" § II.):

1. can; most; was; still; will

2. very; am; often; had; might

3. already; has; should; too; did

4. may; often; does; are; really

5. soon; would; been; have; do

6. is; seven; shall; could; before

7. ought; near; must; late; were

XI. Find the predicates in the following sentences:

1. Our century has seen great changes in the life and living conditions of people. 2. Minerals and rocks are variously utilized by modern industry. 3. Geology could hardly exist without the foundation of stratigraphy. 4. Throughout history mineral resources have played a greater role than is generally recognized. 5. Where is oil now being produced? Where may additional supplies be found in the future? 6. Land and sea are very unevenly distributed. 7. The sun has been supplying light and heat to the earth during hundreds of millions of years. 8. Several hypotheses have been proposed to account for the origin of the bodies of the solar system.

*XIl. Write out from the text all the predicates in two columns:

a) predicates having "signals"; b) predicates having no "signals".

Section 2 geology

Geology may be divided into physical geology and historical geology. Physical geology deals with the materials of the earth, earth-crust movements, the structure of the earth, and the processes and agencies by which the earth has been for many millions of years modified, and is being modified, including such agencies as weather, wind, streams, glaciers, seas, organisms, volcanoes, subterranean waters, and lakes.

Historical geology deals with the records of the successive events of the earth's history, and with the history and evolutionary changes of the organisms which have lived upon the earth.

Geology shows us that the earth has gone through vast changes in its geography, its inhabitants, and its physical condition, and that its history is not ended yet, but is being written at the present day.

(to be continued on page 18)


a) Familiar words:

agent [ˊeɪʤənt] =ˊagency; ˏevoˊlution — ˏevoˊlutionary; ˊmillion; ˏmodifiˊca-tion — to ˊmodify; orˊganic — ˊorganism; ˊstructure — ˊstructural; system [ˊsɪstəm]; volˊcano — volˊcanic — ˊvulcanism

b) branch [brɑ:nt∫] n отрасль, раздел, ветвь

change [t∫eɪnʤ] n, v изменение; изменять

condition [kənˊdɪ∫n] n состояние, условие

crust [krʌst] n кора

divide [dɪˊvaɪd] v делить, разделить

event [ɪˊvent] n событие

evolutionary [ˏi:vəˊlu:∫nərɪ] a эволюционный

glacier [ˊglæsjə] n ледник

lake [leɪk] n озеро

modify [ˊmɔdɪfaɪ] v видоизменять

movement [ˊmuvmənt] n движение

record [ˊrekɔ:d] n летопись, запись

record [rɪˊkɔ:d] v записывать, регистрировать

stream [stri:m] n поток, река, ручей

sea [si:] n море

subterranean [ˏsʌbtəˊreɪnjən] a под-земный

successive [səkˊsesɪv] а последовательный, следующий один за другим

vast [vɑ:st] а огромный, громадный

volcano(es) [vəlˊkeɪnou(s)] n вулкан(ы)

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