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Phraseological expr. and idioms.doc
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5. A) Choose the right word to complete the following idioms and translate them into Ukrainian.

1. be … the breadline – a) on b) off c) over

2. … in the lap of luxury – a) be b) live c) stay

3. well-to- … – a) make b) do c) have

4. spend money like … - a) water b) rain c) spinner

5. tighten your … - a) pocket b) button c) belt

6. … a killing a) do b) make c) run

7. be a money … - a) flier b) boss c) spinner

8. living from hand to … - a) mouth b) foot c) head

9. to keep the…from the door – a) chicken b) fox c) wolf

10. ahead of the … - a) pile b) pack c) back

b) Translate the sentences into English using the idioms above.

  1. Більшість людей в Англії зараз бідніші, ніж 30 років тому.

  2. Ми живемо скромно протягом року, зате протягом літнього відпочинку живемо у розкоші в прекрасному готелі.

  3. Більшість людей, які живуть тут мають багато грошей, але також є і бідні сім’ї.

  4. Він тринькає багато грошей – цікаво звідки він їх бере?!

  5. Так як у нас житиме бабуся, ми повинні обмежити свої витрати.

  6. Нові Інтернет компанії легко збільшили свій прибуток цього року.

  7. Нова справа, яку ми розпочали з моїм другом, була успішним способом заробити гроші.

  8. Я не заробляю достатньо грошей, щоб дозволити собі розкішний відпочинок. Я живу лише на одну зарплату.

  9. Я змушений важко і наполегливо працювати, щоб прогодувати свою сімю.

  10. Щоб досягнути успіху в нашому бізнесі потрібно завжди бути попереду конкурентів.

6. Choose the correct words to complete the following idioms and translate them into Ukrainian.

1. They have to work hard for their money while he behaves like a real … cat doing very little.

a) fat b) broad c) black

2. He is an excellent manager and knows how to make a … .

a) dealing b) killing c) fortune

3. All members of the meeting were impressed by Mr. Brown’s discovery, but for me his work was not so … - shattering.

a) stone b) tongue c) earth

4. It's hard doing business with Jessica. She drives a hard … .

a) bargain b) activity c) business

5. He really makes … as a president of this famous company.

a) this b) it c) something

7. Read the sentences and find the idiomatic expressions. Translate the sentences paying attention to the meaning of the idioms.

  1. Why do you spend all your money on a hobby like model trains; it’s all money down the drain.

  2. James can’t wait to spend all that money you gave him; it is burning a hole in his pocket.

  3. I wouldn’t lend Henry any more money now he’s lost so many of his customers. It would be throwing good money after bad.

  4. You won’t make the company efficient by throwing money at it. The only solution is to replace the management.

  5. You have made so many speeches denouncing cruelty to animals. Isn’t it time you put your money where your mouth is?

  6. The visiting team beat us in the end but we gave them a run for their money.

7. For my money, this bottle of champagne is better value than the others, even though it is a good deal more expensive.


Self-study task: Read and give the Ukrainian equivalent to the explanation of meanings of the idioms that are given below for their better understanding.

Cash – money in the form of coins or notes/bills.

  1. cash-and-carry - selling something for cash only and with no delivery;

2. cash in (something)- to exchange coupons or bonds for their value in money;

  1. cash in on (something)- to make money from an opportunity;

  2. cash in one`s chips- to exchange or sell something to get some money (from the chips used in a poker game);

  3. cash on the barrelhead- money paid in cash when something is bought;

  4. cold hard cash- cash/coins/bills;

  5. strapped for cash- to have little or no money available.

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