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Phraseological expr. and idioms.doc
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6. Complete each of these idioms.

We had a difficult day at work today. We were all (a) …………. Under because we are having some important visitors next week and management has decided to pull out all the (b) ……….. to impress them. We are going to have our work (c) …………… out to get everything done in time. Long-term tasks have been put on (d) …………. So that everything is ready for our visitors. Anyone who objects has been told that they will (e) …………. The sack and everyone who wants to (f) ………….. the career ladder will have their (g) ………….. full until the week is over. The visitors would be horrified if they knew what was going on (h) ……….. the scenes!

7. Translate the sentences into English.

  1. Багато людей задоволені своєю постійною роботою, навіть якщо вона і нецікава.

  2. Ми будемо дуже зайняті цього року. Нам потрібно закінчити два проекти, і передбачається ще один.

3. Я щойно пройшов співбесіду! Я в списку перших п’яти претендентів на посаду.

4. Все, що відбувалося на зборах трудового колективу, трималося в таємниці.

5. Він попросив кілька вихідних днів, оскільки був дуже втомлений після свого нового проекту.

  1. Досить вже говорити про роботу! Давайте відпочинемо!

  2. Завдяки своєму дослідженню, над яким він працював близько двох років, він став відомим на цілий наш регіон.

  3. Знайшовши роботу в цій великій фірмі, я змогла швидко влитися в


8. Complete these idiomatic expressions with the following verbs:

show make rock stand

hold go breathe land

take on climb find stand in

    1. … a name for yourself

    2. … the career ladder

    3. … staff

    4. … the boat

    5. … someone the ropes

    6. can’t … the pace

    1. … a job down

    2. … down someone’s neck

    3. … your feet

    4. … over someone’s head

    5. … a job

    6. … for somebody

9. Now use eight of the expressions in the correct form in the following situations. Translate these situations into Ukrainian.

1. – Do you think it’s worth me doing a part-time MBA? It’s a lot of work?

  • It depends how much you want to … .

2. – My new job’s Ok but there are a lot of things I’m still not used to.

  • That’s normal. It always takes a few month before you really … .

3. – I suppose your busiest time is around Christmas, isn’t it?

  • Yes, we always … extra … just for that period.

4. – Are you working late again tonight?

- I’m afraid so. Peter’s … for last month’s sales figures.

5. – I’m going to have a word with Jack and try to change my holidays.

  • Jack’s on a course this week and Marie is … , so you’d better wait till he gets back. You know what she’s like!

6.– You know Frank’s not going to put your idea on the agenda for tomorrow’s meeting, don’t you?

- Isn’t he? In that case I’ll have to … and talk to his head of department.

7. - I bumped into Paul last week. He’s just started a new job selling insurance.

  • I wonder how long that’ll last. He can’t … for longer than six months.

8. – Where’s Andrew working nowadays?

-Haven’t you heard? He’s just … a great … with that new American bank in the City.

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