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Phraseological expr. and idioms.doc
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3.Replace the definitions in the sentences below with idioms.

a penny for your thoughts a red cent cold hard cash

penny-wise and pound foolish put in my two cents

1."I will give you … (a request to tell someone what he or she is thinking about)," I said to my friend who was looking out of the window.

2.I paid for the stereo in … (cash/coins/bills).

3. My friend is … (to be careful or thrifty in small expenditures but careless or wasteful in large ones) and she economizes on small things but wastes all of her money on big things.

4. I stood up in the meeting and … (to add one's comments or opinion to a discussion) worth before I was asked to sit down.

5. I would not give … (a small sum of money) for my neighbour’s car.

4. Fill the following words in the gaps below. Translate the idioms into Ukrainian. A) cash b) check c) dollar d) penny e) cent

  1. cold hard … - 8. rain … -

  2. pinch … - 9. cost a pretty … -

  3. red … - 10. … on the barrelhead -

  4. put in one’s two … -

  5. bottom … - 11. … from heaven -

  6. … in one’s chips – 12. look like a million … -

  7. dollar for … - 13. as sound as a … -

5. Read the definitions and write whether they are true or false. Correct the mistakes in the idioms if there are any.

1) cash in one’s chips - selling something for cash only and with no delivery;

2) strapped of cash - to make money from an opportunity;

3) give (someone) a blank cash - to let someone act as they want or as they think is necessary;

4) make a check out to (someone) - a promise to repeat an invitation at a later date;

5) almighty dollar- money when it is viewed as more important than anything else;

6) bet one’s down dollar- very secure and dependable;

7) dollar for dollar- considering the cost;

8) cost a pretty penny- to be careful with money, to be thrifty;

9) pennies out of heaven- money that you do not expect to get;

10) a penny earned is a penny saved - saving money by not spending it is the same as getting money from working.


Self-study task: Read and give the Ukrainian equivalent to the explanation of meanings of the idioms that are given below for their better understanding.

  1. bottom of the career ladder – in a low position in a work organization;

  2. dead-end job – job without a good future;

  3. run-of-the-mill – boring, routine;

  4. get out of a rut – escape from a monotonous, boring situation;

  5. pull out of the stops – make a great effort to do something well;

  6. to get the sack – to be dismissed from somebody’s job;

  7. step into somebody’s shoes – to take over somebody’s job;

  8. to rush off somebody’s feet – to be very busy;

  9. to have one’s work cut out – to have something very difficult to do;

  10. up-and-coming – becoming more and more successful;

  11. to be headhunted – invited to join a new workplace which had noticed somebody’s talents;

  12. to climb to the top of the career ladder – to get to a top position in a work organization;

  13. to put on hold – left until a later date;

  14. behind the scenes – in secret, often when something else is happening publicly;

  15. talk shop – to talk about work when you are not at work;

  16. to be dead – to be very tired;

  17. to be tied up – to be very busy;

18.to be on the go – to be busy or working all the time;

19.to fit somebody in – to have just enough time to do something or meet someone although you are busy;

20.it’s one thing after another – if a lot of unpleasant things have happened to you;

21.steady job – a job you get paid regularly for and is likely to continue for a long time;

22.in the pipeline – something is planned and will happen soon;

23. the top of the tree – in the highest position or rank in a profession or career;

24.a short list – a list of people or things that have been chosen, for example for a job or price;

25.make a name for oneself – to become famous;

26.rock the boat – to spoil a situation that everyone else is satisfied with;

27.to show s.o. the ropes – to show somebody how a particular job should be done;

28.to hold a job down – to keep somebody’s job;

29.to breathe down somebody’s neck – to watch somebody so carefully that it makes them feel nervous or annoyed;

30. to find feet – to become confident in a new situation;

31. stand in for somebody – to do s.o. else’s job while they are away.

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