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2.Tenses of Verbs









Present Indefinite

Past Indefinite

Future Indefinite

Present Continuous

Past Continuous

Future Continuous

Present Perfect

Past Perfect

Future Perfect

Сводная таблица употребления времен в действительном залоге






Инфинитив без частицы to. В 3-ем лице единственного числа окончание –(е)s



Инфинитив без частицы to+ -ed, 2-я форма неправильных глаголов



Shall, will + Инфинитив без частицы to

Shall, will= ask

Действие относится к настоящему, прошедшему или будущему времени, но без точного указания момента его совершения.


Am, is, are + Participle 1

Am, is, are + asking

Was, were + Participle 1

Was, were + asking

Shall, will = be+ Participle 1

Shall, will= be asking

Действие продолжается в какой-то момент настоящего, прошедшего или будущего времени.


Have, has + Participle 2

Have, has + asked

Had + Participle 2

Had asked

Shall, will = have+ Participle 2

Shall, will= Have asked

Действие уже закончено к какому-то определенному моменту в настоящем, прошедшем или будущем времени.

Perfect Continuous

Have, has = been + Participle 1

Have, has + been asked

Had been+ Participle 1

Had been asking

Shall, will = have been+ Participle 1

Shall, will = have been asking

К какому-то моменту действие длилось в течение указанного периода времени.


  1. Underline the predicates, write down in what tenses the verbs are used and translate the sentences into Russian:

1. They often publish information on economic crimes ……………………………………

2. I do not know when she will give evidence. …………………………………………..

3. Do you believe all she has said?……………………………………………………...

4. The newspapers write he is staying in prison in Switzerland……………………………

5. I am sure he will make a good lawyer…………………………………………………..

6. Is he studying law at the University? ……………………………………………………

7. I have never been to any court, criminal or civil. ………………………………………

Read the text translate it and do exercises: Madame Tussaud’s.

Madame Tussaud’s is the best known and most visited waxwork exhibition in the world.

In the Chamber of Horrors which is a part of Madame Tussaud’s every exhibit deals with the subject it crime and punishment- it is a rogues gallery of dangerous and evil criminals.

In a dark, dank Victorian street, where Jack the Ripper stalked his prey, the torn and twisted body of one of his victims, Cathrine Eddowes, lies mutilated in a pool of blood.

Jack the Ripper was never brought to justice but other were, villians and murderers who met their ends by guillotine, gallows or garrotte.

Madame Tussaud first arrived in England in 1802 from Germany, where she was born in 1761. She brought with her gruesome souvenirs of the French Revolution, the instruments of death and death masks of their victims. *The death masks of Louis 16 and Marie Antoinette are still on display next to the very guillotine blade that beheaded the French queen.

More recent means of execution include the firing squad and the electric chair. American murderer Gary Gilmore is seen facing a hail of bullets. Bruno Hauptman electrocuted in New Jersey, USA in 1936 can be seen here too.

Acid – bath murderer John George Haigh who killed at least nine people and disposed of the bodies in an acid bath, stands in the clothes he wore before his *execution. Many prisoners or their relatives bequeathed or sold the clothes or some items which belonged to the murderers to dress their portraits at Madame Tussaud.

And the “Brides in the Bath” George Joseph Smith Leans over a victim in the actual bathtub in which he drowned his well-insured brides.

Notorious mass-murderer John Christie is at work in a replica of the tiny West London kitchen were he concealed the bodies of three of the seven women he killed.

Contemporary criminals in Britain no longer face the death penalty – instead they must spend years behind bars. The exhibition shows a bleak modern prison block with contemporary murderers which are standing before their cells*.

Guy Thorne’s 1912 description of the murderers in the Chamber of Horrors is still true today: “Row upon row of faces which differ in very way one from another and yet are dreadfully alike. For these great sinister dolls, so unreal and so real, have all a likeness. The smirk of cruelty and cunning seems toile upon their waxen masks. Colder than life, far colder than death they will give forth emanations which will strike the very heart with woe and desolation”

Vocabulary notes

Horror ужас

Waxwork восковая фигура,муляж

Rogues злой

Evil 1)зло,вред,2)злой, вредный

To stalk smb подкрадываться к кому -либо

Prey добыча, жертва

To mutilate увечить, калечить, уродовать

Villain злодей

Guillotine гильотина(орудие казни ,названное

по имени изобретателя)

Gallows виселица

Garrotte гаррота(орудие казни ,похожее на


gruesome ужасный, отвратительный

means of execution средство исполнения, способ


means of communication средство связи

means of transport транспортные средства

means of payment платежные средства

means of employment средства обеспечения


means of instruments орудие и средства


by all means любым способом, любыми


bullet пуля

acid кислота

to bequeath завещать ,передавать

bride невеста

bridegroom жених

notorious пользующийся дурной

славой, отъявленный, пресловутый

replica точная копия ,репродукция

to conceal скрывать, умалчивать, утаивать

contemporary современный, современник

cell камера

row upon row бесконечный ряд,

бесконечная вереница

sinister зловещий, злой

smirk самодовольная улыбка

cruelty жестокость, безжалостность

cunning хитрый, коварный

to give forth объявлять, обнародовать

emanation излучение, испускание

woe горе, скорбь, несчастье

desolation горе, отчаяние

Exercise . 1Answer the following question:

1.What is name of the exhibition described?

2. How did Madame Tussaud start her carrier in England?

3.What are the crimes of :

Jack the Ripper

Gary Gilmore

Jonh George Heigh

George Joseph Smith

Jonh Christie?

4.Is the death penalty still in law in the UK ?

5.How are contemporary criminals shown at the exhibition?

6. What did Guy Thorne say about his impression of the Chamber of Horrors? When did he write those words?

Exercise . 2

Find in the text sentences with * and define verbs tenses. For example:

Acid-bath murderer John George Haigh who killed at least nine people and disposed of the bodies in an acid bath , stands in the clothes he wore before his execution.

Killed –Past Simple;

Disposed –Past Simple;

Stands –Present Simple;

Wore –Past Simple om “ wear ”.