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Text 2 Word Study

Exercise 7. Match left and right.

1) law enforcement agencies

a) нелегальные предметы или вещества

2) a natural disaster or an accident

b) назначение для работы в аэропорту

3) illegal items or substances

c) действия по спасению

4) airport assignments

d) правоохранительные органы

5) catching criminals

e) стихийное бедствие или авария

6) terrorist attacks

f) поимка преступников

7) rescue efforts

g) атаки террористов

Exercise 8. Study the following words and word-combinations:

to uphold the law – поддерживать закон

to search out human beings – разыскивать людей

to be injured – быть раненным

to be trapped – быть пойманным в ловушку

tiling – полость, пустота

in the nibble – здесь в небольшом пространстве

Exercise 9. Prepare to talk about the function of K9 teams. Use the statements as a plan.

  1. K9 officers belong to an exclusive club of law enforcement professionals.

  2. They patrol airports, seaports, and the borders.

  3. A key, common requirement for applying for canine duty is the satisfactory experience in any similar jobs.

  4. K9 officers receive training in the detection of narcotics, explosives, and electronic devices.

  5. They learn to track the suspects.

  6. The dogs are well trained, sociable and respond to the handler’s every command.

  7. K9 teams are a wonderful public relations tool by providing demonstrations at schools, daycare centres, hospitals, civic organizations, churches and other public functions.

What Does a k9 Officer Do?

А К9 officer spends his days working to uphold the law with the help of a trained dog. This dog uses his nose, sight and hearing for detecting the presence of illegal items or substances. The team also searches out human beings who may be hiding or have been injured or trapped during a natural disaster or an accident. They also detect items people are trying to smuggle from one location to another.

There are many law enforcement agencies that hire K9 officers. The types of tasks required may depend on the agency and the environment in which the officer and dog are expected to work. Some K9 officers may be given airport assignments, for example. In this case, the officer works with his dog to detect the presence of illegal drugs or smuggled contraband.

Sometimes, K9 officers are given border assignments, which mean they patrol the areas where individuals cross different countries. A K9 officer and his dog may work together to detect smuggled drugs and prevent them from entering a particular region.

A K9 officer’s job often includes catching criminals. They often help to lead rescue efforts after natural disasters, major accidents, and even terrorist attacks. If a building falls down or otherwise collapses and traps humans in the nibble, an officer and his dog may be instrumental in finding them.

Text 3

Exercise 10. Read Text 3 to fill in the gaps using the words from the box.

agent; experience; search; countries; tools; canines; intrusion; duty hours; skills

T he use of the police dogs in United States has proven over the years to be one of the best (1) _____ known to law enforcement. The Police dog’s (2) ______ to detect narcotics, explosives, or hidden suspects have saved millions of taxpayer’s dollars.

The Police dog’s abilities speed up the (3) _____ and allow police officers to spend their (4) _____ working on other aspects of their job. The Supreme Court of the United States of America has been many times on the side of the Police Dog when it comes to the (5) ______ of its citizens when searching for narcotics or explosives. The Supreme Court Justices have ruled that a trained Police Dog is less intrusive than a sworn government (6) ______ when searching either a piece of luggage or a vehicle.

The ability to provide (7) ______ to work in many different environments has come with many years of overseas travel by the staff of Enforcement Canine, Inc. They have been working with dog handlers, trainers, and managers for a combined 45 years in foreign (8) ______ including Iraq, Korea, Japan, Slovakia, Holland, and Belgium. This (9) ______ includes handling Explosive Detection Dogs, Narcotic Detection Dogs, and Patrol Dogs in hostile work environments.

Exercise 11. Render the article below in English in 5-7 sentences. Use the following words and word-combinations:

Kingisepp Customs; North-Western Operative Customs; detector dog teams training; hard drugs: detector dog handlers; cargo and automobile transport; detector dogs; to interpret the dog’s behaviour or ‘indications’; at the border; concealed excise goods.

В Кингисеппской таможне состоялись учебно-практические занятия специалистов-кинологов таможни, где их четвероногие питомцы проходят обучение по программе поиска сильнодействующих наркотиков.

В программе семинара журналистам продемонстрировали работу поисковых собак по поиску закладок наркотиков в грузовом и легковом транспорте.

Среди личного состава кинологического отдела выделялось несколько собак-поисковиков, наиболее успешно справлявшихся с поставленной задачей. Это лабрадор «Лаки», безошибочно определявший спрятанные акцизные товары (сигареты), лабрадор «Лавр», известный в операциях по поиску оружия, ветеран «Фил», на его счету многочисленные обнаружения наркотических средств на границе.

Завершением программы практических занятий для инструкторов-кинологов и их питомцев, будет итоговый экзамен, с участием комиссии Северо-Западной оперативной таможни по поиску сильнодействующих наркотических средств.


Exercise 12. Translate the following into Russian.

Specialists training narcotic detection dogs can detect substances such as Amphetamine, Ice, Cocaine, Heroin, and Marijuana. Detection dogs can search areas not accessible to handlers or to a man. A random search by detection dogs may include trains, buses, aircraft, cars, trucks and schools.