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English for Post-Graduates.doc
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Programme of Study Visit to Kingston University

1. Intended Visit Outputs

1.1. Increased awareness by academic teaching staff of BSU of the business education methodologies, and syllabus content, of business courses at Kingston University, with a focus on business courses for scientists.

    1. . New developments in business education teaching methodologies at BSU which will enhance graduate-skills appropriate for SME development in Belarus.

    2. . Increased availability teaching materials to students at BSU on modules related to Business law.

2. Visit Objectives

1.1. Observation of teaching methods in business education classes at KU, including the transferable skills considered important for UK students.

1.2. Identification of business education teaching materials, and development of a plan for further learning material purchases according to the REAP budget.

1.3. Discussions, with Kingston Staff, on current syllabus content in business education.

1.4. Develop programme for future Business Education Seminars.

1.5. Creation of personal action plans relation to input to business education at BSU. This to include a schedule of dates on which verifiable factors of progress will be provided to BSU International Office, for incorporation in REAP progress reports.

Study visits can be individual and those arranged as a partnership scheme.

Both partners must be fully involved in preparing the application and send the completed application to the appropriate programme regional manager.

Pre-Project Application Form

A proposed partnership between-

"EE/CA Institution…………………………………………………………………………..





EE/CA Co-ordinator.......................................................……………………......(M/F)....….

Contact Details………………………………………………………………………………




UK institution…….………………………………………………………………………….


UK Co-ordinator.................................................................……………………..(M/F)…….

Contact Details………………………………………………………………………………




Proposed Project Title: ……………………………………………………………………...



Proposed start and finish date of activity…

Note: EE/CA – East European / Central Asian

If you intend to participate in a partnership scheme the pre-project or inception phase of the partnership is designed to enable the partners from various institutions to prepare a full partnership proposal that describes in detail what the partnership will achieve (the outputs) and the activities (the inputs) that will produce this. It is obligatory under partnership schemes for the partners to meet during the reception phase to draft and agree formally the full proposal. Partners who submit successful proposals on completion of the inception phase will receive funding to progress to the full partnership phase.

Description of the project

  1. Describe in detail the area of need and therefore focus of the project.

  2. Why does the need exist? Tell us about the local and national context of your project and what has to be done to bring about change.

  3. How have you established the validity of this need, what evidence has been gathered to corroborate this?

  4. Describe the purpose of the project, outlining the transformation that the project is designed to bring about within its target group.

  5. Please elaborate your initial thoughts on how you will ensure that the materials/courses produced by the partnership will be adopted and disseminated.

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